Orange County NC Website
<br />Grange County has therefore adapted a policy that requires management to maintain an <br />unassigned balance as follows: <br />1. The County will strive to maintain an unassigned fund balance in the General Fund of 17°/~ <br />percent of budgeted general fund operating expenditures each fiscal year. The amount of <br />unassigned fund balance maintained during each fiscal year should not fall below 8% <br />percent of budgeted general fund operating expenditures, as recommended by the North <br />Carolina Local Government Commission. <br />~. To the extent that the General Fund unassigned fund balance exceeds 17% percent, the <br />balances may be utilized to fund capital expenditures or pay down outstanding County <br />debt. <br />3. The County's budget and revenue spending policy provides for programs with <br />multiple revenue sources. The Financial Services Director will use resources in the <br />fallowing hierarchy: bond proceeds, Federal funds, State funds, local non-county <br />funds, county funds. For purposes of fund balance classification, expenditures are <br />to be spent from restricted fund balance first, followed in-order by committed fund <br />balance, assigned fund balance, and lastly, unassigned fund balance. The Financial <br />Services Director has the authority to deviate from this policy if it is in the best <br />interest of the County with Board of County Commissioner's approval. <br />4. Management is expected to manage the budget sa that revenue shortfalls and <br />expenditure increases da not impact the County's total unassigned fund balance. If a <br />catastrophic economic event occurs that requires a ~ 4% or more deviation from fatal <br />budgeted revenues or expenditures, then unassigned fund balance can be reduced <br />by action from the Board of County Commissioners; the Board also will adapt a plan <br />of action tv return spendable fund balance to the required level. <br />Enterprise Funds - Solid Vtilaste, Efland Sewer, and the Grange County Sportsplex~ -The <br />County will strive to maintain unrestricted net assets greater than S°/~ of total operating <br />revenues at fisca! year-end, net of any donated assets recognized, to provide reserves for <br />operations and future capital improvements. <br />Restrictions reservations and desi nations of Net Assets for Enter rise Funds <br />Far external reporting purposes, net assets will be reported as restricted or unrestricted in <br />accordance with GAAP. For `internal purposes, net assets will be reserved ar designated as <br />follows: <br />1. Encumbered balances to continue existing projects are designated. <br />2. Designations forfunding of planned projects in afuture period to reduce the financial <br />demands placed upon a subsequent budget. <br />Internal Service Funds -~ Dental Insurance Fund --total net assets shall maintain a positive <br />balance to illustrate the internal nature of recovery fees for services performed inself-insuring <br />employees of the County. Additionally, the net assets of the fund will demonstrate adequate <br />funding for incurred, but not reported claims. <br />