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<br />recommendation, the Board may want to consider the County Manager's concept of instituting a <br />tipping fee surcharge with the intent of generating, over the remaining life of the facility, funds <br />for landfill neighborhood improvements. Currently the FY 201111 ~ projection of municipal solid <br />waste tonnage is 48,000 tons. This means that each dollar on the tipping fee would generate <br />about $48,000 annually. Staff would weCcome any guidance on the concept of a tipping fee <br />surcharge, subjectto any legal constraints regarding the use of enterprise fund monies. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The financial impact of extending landfill capacity could be considerable <br />for Qrange County and the Interlocal Agreement partners has well as other users}. Qption 1 <br />would generate about $6,32,500 gross additional revenue knot including operational expenses} <br />and delay expenditures for closure over current projections and permit authority by about ~.5 <br />years. Qption 2 would generate about $8,896,500 gross additional revenue and delay <br />expenditures for closure for about 3.5 years. Qption 3 would generate about $11,767,500 gross <br />additional revenue and delay expenditures for closure for about 4.5 years. <br />The extension of time would provide additional opportunity fior building the closurelpost-closure <br />reserve fund. Additionally, extension of landfill life would delay incurring the additional <br />expenses by all Interlocal Agreement partners related to the hauling of waste to the City of <br />Durham Transfer Station. This additional time could also give local governments more time to <br />investigate more permanent andlor less costly long term alternatives to utilization of the Durham <br />Transfer Station. <br />RECOMMENDATI4N~S~: The Manager recommends that the Board provide guidance to staff <br />with regard to the staff recommendation of Option 2 or other related landfill capacity issues. <br />