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members from 15 to 20. Commission for Women members Martha Oxenfeldt and Jacqueline Philips presented <br />information to the Board on their activities emphasizing that their level of activities has increased. They currently have <br />eleven members and three applications that are pending and one application coming. They want to grow and move <br />forward and that is why they are asking to change their bylaws and add five (5) additional members. They want to <br />expand their activities and are looking for diversity in their membership. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve amending the <br />bylaws for the Commission for Women allowing them to expand the number of members from 15 to 20 with the five new <br />positions being at-large positions. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Proposed Carrboro Development Moratorium <br />The Board considered adopting a three-month development moratorium for the Carrboro Northern <br />Transition Study Area. The Carrboro Board of Aldermen are holding a public hearing on the moratorium this evening <br />and Interim Planning Director Gene Bell reported on that public hearing. He said that there were eleven (11) speakers <br />who spoke about the moratorium. Nine of the speakers spoke about their concern that this moratorium would delay the <br />construction of anew school for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. The Board of Aldermen unanimously extended <br />the moratorium until December 31, 1998 with the stipulation that the Town Manager will be allowed to accept and <br />evaluate applications from a local government unit during the moratorium, but not approve any of the accepted permit <br />applications. <br />JEF who lives in the Calavander area asked about the process of the Orange County Planning Board on <br />July 15. Gene Bell said that nothing was approved at that meeting. The Planning Board did not want to present a <br />recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners until the ordinance language was concluded for the Small Area <br />Plan. He hopes to bring back the Small Area Plan for consideration of adoption in December. Geoffrey Gledhill said <br />that there has not been a public hearing on the ordinance language yet and that will need to happen before it is brought <br />back to the County Commissioners for consideration. <br />JEF continued saying that he has a copy of the proposed implementation schedule which indicates that on <br />November 11, the Orange County Planning Board will review the ordinance and the other items. Then it will go back to <br />the Carrboro Planning Board and the Carrboro Board of Alderman will hold a public hearing on December 15 and after <br />that the Board of County Commissioners will consider the ordinances and the joint planning amendments. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Carey that they not consider <br />any action on this extension until we hear directly from Carrboro or a representative. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels there are two issues - whether or not to continue the moratorium and the <br />schedule for approving the ordinances. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis about what happens if we don't approve the <br />moratorium, Geoffrey Gledhill said that there is no moratorium. <br />Chair Brown said that she supports the moratorium to allow them additional time to work on the ordinance <br />language. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that staff come back with a process and a timeline. <br />Commissioner Crowther feels that we need to know the schedule so that we will know that they can <br />accomplish what they need to accomplish in 90 days. <br />VOTE ON THE MOTION TO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION: <br />AYES, 2; NOS, 3 (Commissioner Gordon, Commissioner Carey and Commissioner Halkiotis ) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chair Brown to adopt the 90 day moratorium <br />with the stipulation that our understanding is that the Carrboro Town Manager will be allowed to (1) accept and evaluate <br />applications from a local government unit during the moratorium, but not approve any of the accepted permit <br />applications and (2) refer to staff to bring back to the County Commissioners the process for the Planning Board and the <br />Board of County Commissioners. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Report - Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERCD) <br />The Board discussed the County Manager's recommendations on the formation of a new Environment and <br />Resource Conservation Department. <br />John Link commended the working group who prepared the report. In summary he said that on June 22, <br />the Board approved the creation of a new Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERCD) and asked the <br />Manager to respond back with specific recommendations on the formation of the new department. This report is in <br />response to that request. He asked that the County Commissioners provide feedback which he will incorporate into the <br />report and bring back to the November 20 meeting for final decision. He suggested that a public hearing be held on <br />November 4. He proposed that the new department become effective November 23.