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Increased court fees to provide counties with revenue for court facilities <br />Increased Medicare reimbursements for County EMS bills <br />Streamline the design and bidding processes for new school construction <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chair is authorized to convey this resolution to the North Carolina <br />Association of County Commissioners by means of a letter which elaborates on Orange County's concerns and <br />recommendations, to the extent the Chair deems that necessary and appropriate. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Senior Vaccination Season <br />The Board considered proclaiming October as Senior Vaccination Season, and endorsing the activities <br />planned for the month. Health Director Rosemary Summers mentioned that October is also breast cancer awareness <br />month. She mentioned that flu shots will be given throughout the County. She read the resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve the <br />proclamation as stated below: <br />SENIOR VACCINATION SEASON PROCLAMATION <br />October 6, 1998 <br />Whereas, Governor Hunt has proclaimed October as Senior Vaccination Season in North Carolina; and <br />Whereas, Thousands of adults in Orange County are unprotected from diseases such as influenza and pneumococcal <br />pneumonia; and <br />Whereas, Each year, an average of 20,000 Americans die from influenza - more than 90% of these persons are 65 or <br />older. Many deaths can be prevented through vaccination; and <br />Whereas, Promoting a countywide vaccination effort for the residents of Orange County will reduce the number of <br />health complications and deaths associated with these illnesses; and <br />Whereas, Controlling and eliminating communicable diseases are necessary to ensure that our communities are <br />healthy places in which to live; and <br />Whereas, Senior Vaccination Season will involve the provision of influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccines <br />to persons 65 and older with Medicare Part-B through community based events and encourages all <br />immunization providers to work year-round in Orange County with their communities to vaccinate adults by <br />expanding clinic hours, increasing screenings, and distributing education and promotional materials; <br />Therefore, We hereby proclaim October, 1998 as SENIOR VACCINATION SEASON in Orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Water Conservation Proclamation for northern Orange County <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to adopt the <br />resolution as stated below declaring a Stage I I Water Shortage Alert and authorize the chair to sign. <br />RESOLUTION <br />PUBLIC PROCLAMATION <br />REGARDING USE OF WATER OBTAINED <br />FROM THE PUBLIC «%ATER SYSTEM <br />SUPPLIED BY THE ORANGE-ALAMANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. AND <br />THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH AND <br />FROM ANY RAW WATER SUPPLY WITHIN ORANGE COUNTY USED BY <br />THE ORANGE-ALAN11ANCE WATER SYSTEM, INC. AND <br />THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH <br />Pursuant to the provisions of the ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSERVATION OF WATER DURING <br />A WATER SHORTAGE, RESTRICTING THE USE OF WATER AND WATER AVITHDRAWALS, AND ALLOCATING