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<br />A~tachme~i ? <br />Proposed odQ~lc~tlo~~s ~®~~~ P~hllc He~rl~~ ~r~~~ <br />Below is a brief summation of the proposed changes to the text of the UDO November <br />2010 Public Hearing Draft. Following this summary are the actual iext changes, in <br />order, with modifications shown in purple ar blue. <br />~ec~lo~ ~~~m1 ~o~detl®~al use ®lstrlcts- Additional text was added as <br />Subsection 2.9.1 ~A}~4} to clarify a slight modification made to the Table of <br />Permitted Uses ~- Economic Development Districts. In the current Zoning <br />Ordinance, which includes the EDD~ Design Manual, certain uses within the EDD <br />required approval as a Class A SUP as well as a PD. As PD is no longer <br />included with[n the proposed UDO, a change was made to the referenced table <br />that shags approval of those uses must now be as a Conditional Use District <br />CCU D}. The modification to Section 2.9.1 ~A}~4} addresses that proposed change. <br />NOTE: reviewed by Planning Board at February 2, 2011 meeting; <br />recommendation to approve <br />® ~ec~l®n 2m~~2 G~~dltl®nal Zo~lm~ ®~stric~-~Afterfurther revie~r of the UDU <br />Public Hearing Draft, staff determined there was an inconsistency with the text in <br />this section and the submittal requirements for the MPD-CZ. The MPD-CZ <br />requires the submittal of a [Master Plan, while all other CZs require the submittal <br />of a site plan, prepared in accordance with Section 2.5. The proposed <br />modifications correct the conflict. [NOTE: reviewed by Planning Board at <br />February 2, 2011 meeting; recommendation to approve <br />~ec~l®n 3.6 ®~her Dls~rlcts ~- Based on camme~ts made at the February 28, <br />2911 quarterly public hearing, staff re-evaluated the PID district as a conditional <br />zoning district and concurred with comments made that the PID district should <br />remain a general use district. The creation of the new Section 3.8 Other <br />Districts, the revisions to the P[D zoning district chart proposed, and other <br />modifications included within this attachment restore the PID district to a general <br />use zoning district. Inserting the PID district into the new Section 3.0 required <br />the renumbering of farmer Sections 3.6 and 3.7 to 3.7 and 3.S respectively. <br />[NOTE: The Planning Board voted to recommend approval of the change to the <br />PID district at the March 2, 2011 meeting <br />Section 3.8 Coedit"Tonal ~istrlc~s --Several modifications proposed to Section <br />3.8 ~former[y Section 3.7} address the recommended change of the PID district <br />from a conditional zoning district backto a general use zoning district. The <br />addition of the new Section 3.6 required the renumbering of former Sections 3.0 <br />and 3.7 to 3.7 and 3.S respectively. The PID chart is to be removed from this <br />section and is shaven instrike-through format. In addition, the Planning Board <br />voted at the March 2, 2011 meeting to recommend limiting the MPD-GZ district to <br />Transition Land Use Categories and Rural Community Nodes. That proposed <br />change is shown on the MPD-CZ chart v~rithin this section. The addition of text to <br />