<br />S 43 020' 18" E, 13.67 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 89039'08" E, 73.61 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 87° 14'44" E, 286.92 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 89°13'48" E, 247.32 feet to a point; thence
<br />N 89006'52" E, 1017.17 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 23 °0 8'42" E, 25 8.8 7 feet to a point; thence
<br />S 32 003'27" E, 1475.85 feet to the point of beginning, containing 33,157 square feet or
<br />0.76 acre, more or less.
<br />GasiinelDuetbank Easement 4
<br />Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southern right --of -way of Homestead Road
<br />and the western right -of -way of Chapel Ridge Drive, thence along the southern right-of-
<br />way of Homestead Road N 79 052'48" W, a distance of 470.03 feet to the point of
<br />beginning, thence leaving the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road on the property
<br />of orange County, Deed Book 1009, Page 437, N 83'28'22" W, a distance of 116.91 feet
<br />to a point, thence N 87°05'36" W, a distance of 5 1.0 6 feet to a point, thence N 81 °53'33"
<br />W. a distance of 29.9 8 feet to a point, thence N 70'3 8'3 3" W, a distance of 22.21 feet to a
<br />point, thence N 81053'33" W, a distance of 1 08.39 feet to a point, thence N 71'00'34"
<br />W. a distance of 23.69 feet to a point in the southern right -of -way of Homestead Road,
<br />thence along the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road in a curve to the right having
<br />an arc length of 306.00 feet, a radius of 4080.49 feet, a chord-of 305.92 feet and a chord
<br />bearing of S 82 °00'41" E to a point, thence S 79 °52'48" E, a distance -of 45.25 feet to the
<br />point and place of beginning containing 2,250 square feet or 0.052 acre, more or less.
<br />GaslinelDuctbank Easement 5
<br />Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road
<br />and the western right-of-way of Chapel Ridge Drive, thence along the southern right-of-
<br />way of Homestead Road N 79 °52'48" W, a distance of 1 05.31 feet to the point of
<br />beginning, thence leaving the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road on the property
<br />of orange County, Deed Book 1009, Page 437, S 77 °15'59" W, a distance of 24.08 feet
<br />to a point, thence N 79 °52'48" W, a distance of 57.82 feet to a point, thence N 57'01'36"
<br />W, a distance of 24.08 feet to a point on the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road,
<br />thence along the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road N 79 °52'48" W. a distance of
<br />102.20 feet to the point and place of beginning containing 748 square feet or 0.017 acre,
<br />more or less.
<br />GaslinelDuctbank Easement 6
<br />Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southern right-of-way of Homestead Road
<br />and the western right -of -way of Chapel Ridge Drive, thence along the western right-of-
<br />way of Chapel Ridge Drive S 01'15'35" E, a distance of 12.25 feet to a point; thence
<br />leaving the western right-of-way of Chapel Ridge Drive on the property of orange
<br />7
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