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County buildings for safety issues. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he feels it is totally in order to do something about this now. He <br />wants the County Commissioners to move ahead and ask the Sheriff to have a presence in the courthouse <br />during opening hours. If this takes additional funds, the County Commissioners need to provide them. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to authorize <br />the funds necessary for the Sheriff to provide security for the courthouse during opening hours. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Chair Brown asked that the County Manager report back to the County Commissioners on what <br />measures can be taken to make all County buildings safe. <br />PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Chair Brown dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br />3. BOARD COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the Brookfield sewer issue. John Link said that the County <br />Commissioners adopted the concept of various alternatives to address situations like Brookfield and these <br />were sent forward to the Water and Sewer Committee. He is not sure they have had time to address this <br />issue. <br />Health Director Rosemary Summers said that the Board of Health will be considering options at their <br />September 24 Board meeting. They will present temporary measures that will help to extend the life of septic <br />systems. Environmental Health is working with this community in this effort. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the Crime Victim Commission and asked that the Clerk <br />distribute information about this Commission. He will give the County Commissioners a more in-depth report <br />at an upcoming County Commissioners' meeting. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Carey about efforts to televise County Commissioners <br />meetings, Albert Kittrell said that the Cable TV Committee is working with consultants on a plan that will be <br />presented to the County Commissioners later this fall. He said that the franchise agreement is still being <br />negotiated which does impact the purchase of equipment since some of the funds to purchase the equipment <br />would come from this agreement. <br />Commissioner Carey commended the staff for the conceptual plan they put together for the new <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Department. He feels they need to hold a public hearing to receive <br />citizen comments on the goal, mission and role of this new department. John Link said that on October 6, he <br />will present a draft plan for the Board's comments and on October 20 will present a second draft at which <br />time the County Commissioners may want to consider setting a public hearing. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis distributed a memo regarding the feasibility of setting up a community police <br />station in Efland. A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />proceed with a feasibility study for establishing a community police station at the Efland Community Center. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the County Manager report back on the feasibility of putting small <br />dumpsters at some of the County's convenience centers for construction and demolition waste from small <br />contractors. John Link will report back on this item. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT -NONE <br />5. RESOLUTIONSIPROCLAMATIONS- NONE <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Recognition of JTPA Participants <br />The Board recognized the achievements of participants in the Job Training Partnership Act