Orange County NC Website
FY2005-2006 CT Application <br />FederaUState Certifications <br />Community Transportation Program Application <br />Disadvantaeed Business Enterprise (DBEI <br />All recipients and subrecipients of grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and/or the State <br />of North Carolina must participate in the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program/Minority Business <br />Enterprises (MBE) program <br />The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) must ensure that it and its subrecipients provide <br />DBEs the maximum opportunity to compete for purchases and be awarded contracts financed in whole or in <br />part with federal or state funds. NCDOT and subrecipients must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, <br />national origin, orsex in the awazd of contracts or when making purchases. <br />Systems that have contracting opportunities in excess of $250,000 (exclusive of rolling stock) in a given Federal <br />fiscal year must prepaze a DBE program, adopt an annual DBE percentage participation goal, and submit <br />quarterly reports for NCDOT review. Reporting forms and instructions can be obtained from NCDOT. <br />Systems with annual grant awards of less than $250,000 (exclusive of rolling stock) must complete and submit <br />the enclosed "DBE Good Faith Efforts Certification" with this application. All systems may gain technical <br />assistance by contacting Les Twible, at the NCDOT Public Transportation Division (PTD) at (919) 733-4713, <br />ext. 278, or via email at <br />FY2005-2006 CT Application <br />Federa]/S[ate Certifications <br />DBE GOOD FAITH EFFORTS CERTIFICATION <br />This is to certify that in all purchase and contact selections -County Of Orange <br />(Applicant Name) <br />is committed to and shall make good faith efforts to purchase from and awazd contracts to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises <br />(DBEs). <br />DBE good faith efforts will include the following Items that are indicated by check mark(s) or narrative: <br />X^ Write a letter to Certified DBEs in our service azea to inform them of purchase or contract <br />opportunities; <br />X^ Document telephone calls, emails and correspondence with or on behalf of DBEs; <br />X^ Advertise purchase and contact opportunities on local TV Community Cable Network; <br />X^ Request purchaselcontact price quotes/bids from DBEs; <br />X^ Monitor newspapers for new businesses that are DBE eligible; <br />X^ Encourage interested eligible films to become NCDOT certified. Interested firms should contact Bob Mathes of the <br />NCDOT Civil Rights Office at (919) 733-2300 for more information <br />X^ Consult NCDOT Certified DBE Directory. A DBE company will be listed in the DBE Directory for each work type or <br />area of specialization that it performs. You may obtain a copy of this Directory at <br />www.ncdot.ore/adrninishation/civilriehts/dbedir/ . <br />^ Other efforts: Describe: <br />Documentation of all good faith efforts shall be retained for a period of five (5) years. <br />I certify that, to the best of my Imowledge, the above informaton describes the DBE good faith efforts of-County of <br />Orange (Applicant Name) <br />Title of Authorized Official: <br />Typed Name of Authorized Official: <br />Signature of Authorized Official: <br />Date: <br />Section II 15 Section II <br />