Orange County NC Website
DRAFT RES-2011-022 2 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING AND CONGRATULATING <br />THE TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />ON ITS ONE-HUNIDREDTH (1000 ANNIVERSARY <br />WHEREAS, on March 3, 1911, the Town of Venable, North Carolina, located just west <br />of Chapel Hill and named after then president of the University of North Carolina Francis <br />P. Venable, was incorporated as a new town; and <br />WHEREAS, the town's name was changed to Carrboro in 1914 after Julian Shakespeare <br />Carr bought the local cotton mill and donated electricity and actual streets to the town; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Carrboro is a small southern town that not only values its history and culture <br />as evidenced by its commitment to preservation and the arts, but also envisions the future <br />with its co-op, bike lanes, organic foods, farmer's market, and community wireless <br />Internet access, among other things; and <br />WHEREAS, Carrboro is a community that celebrates the arts, music, poetry, the creative <br />class, and the independent spirit of the human experience; and <br />WHEREAS, Carrboro claims a multitude of facilities and businesses of national and <br />world-wide renown including the Cat's Cradle, Weaver Street Market, The Century <br />Center, the Carrboro Farmer's Market, Neal's Deli, The ArtsCenter, the Looking Glass <br />Cafe and Boutique, and Carr Mill Mall, among many others; and <br />WHEREAS, as the "Paris of the Piedmont", Carrboro, its leaders and its residents seek to <br />promote community pride and enhance the active, engaging lifestyle that gives Carrboro <br />its own special identity, reflecting and enhancing the community's vision to become a <br />sustainable society; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners, do hereby extend our congratulations to the Town of Carrboro on its <br />One-Hundredth (100`") Anniversary and express our appreciation to the town and its <br />residents for the progressive vision, diverse identity, environment, and spirit that help <br />make Orange County a special place to work and live. <br />This the 3`d day of March 2011. <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />