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Marina Heatig, a local resident, spoke in opposition to this proposal. She mentioned that <br />she was not given sufficient notice of the balloon test. She felt that this tower would ruin the <br />character of the area. She was very much in opposition to this proposal. <br />Planner Kirk indicated that he had recheck the list of neighbors notified to make sure that <br />all local neighbors were notified. <br />Christine Deprez spoke in opposition to this proposal. The Bingham School is used only <br />as a Bed and Breakfast. The visual impact of this structure will be very detrimental to their <br />livelihood and to the overall character of the area. <br />Gregory Moors, a local resident, spoke in opposition to this proposal. He moved to this <br />area because of its unique rural character. He asked that this item be denied. <br />Jim Cain, the attorney representing Gearon, indicated that the site mentioned as a <br />possible alternative is not suitable because of its location. He also mentioned that the balloons <br />used were the only color available. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther, to <br />refer this item to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of <br />Commissioners no sooner than November 4. 1998. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. SUP-2-98 Gearon Communications (site north of Highway 54) <br />This item was presented by Planner Eddie Kirk for the purpose of receiving <br />evidence on a Class A Special Use Permit application for the construction of a telecommunication <br />tower. The property is located in Bingham Township approximately 1155 feet north of NC <br />Highway 54 with the access proposed from O'Day Drive, an existing private road. The entrance <br />from NC54 is approximately 600 feet west of Bethel-Hickory Grove Church Road (SRI 104). A <br />2.77 acre tract is proposed with a 10,000 square foot leased area and an additional area <br />designated as a fall zone easement. The property is zoned Rural Buffer (RB) and University Lake <br />Protected Watershed (UNIV-P". The applicants are requesting a Class A Special Use Permit <br />under Article 8.8.17a of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance to construct a 250 foot <br />telecommunication tower, an equipment cabinet, and an area for future additional <br />telecommunication carriers. The tower will be a free standing lattice structure and light steel gray <br />is color. A type C 40 foot landscaped buffer is provided around the facility with existing trees <br />meeting the buffer requirement. The site is presently wooded and existing vegetation will only be <br />disturbed to accommodate the tower and entrance road. There are no existing towers within one <br />mile of this site on which the applicant could collocate. However, an application has been <br />received from Spectrasite Communication, Inc. for a 199 foot telecommunications tower <br />approximately 1.33 miles east of this site. That proposal will be heard before the Board of <br />Adjustment in the September meeting. The application indicates this tower can structurally <br />accommodate 5 users. Gearon has indicated they are willing to negotiate with other users to <br />attach additional communication facilities provided they do not interfere with the primary purpose <br />of the tower. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: None. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD: None. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM APPLICANT: <br />Joseph Smathers, Jr., with J.F. Smathers & Company - Real Estate Appraisers, spoke in support of