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proposed amendment in order to evaluate the status of natural and cultural resources. The Eno River <br />study mentioned by Hervey McIver will be included in this evaluation <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />County Manager John Link mentioned that this will be returned for Public Hearing as soon as the <br />review is complete, possibly as early as November. <br />2. CLASS A SPECIAL USE PERMITS <br />The following Class A Special Use Permits were Chaired by Commissioner Margaret Brown. All <br />participants in the following Special Use Permits were required to take an oath prior to giving their <br />testimony. A list of those taking the oath given by Deputy Clerk Kathy Baker follows: Planner Eddie Kirk, <br />Russ Townsley, Edward M Mann, Jr., Rob Davis, Violet DeKnikker, David Kronener, Gregory Moors, Joe <br />Smathers, Jim Cain, Francois Deprez, Christine Deprez, Marina Heatiz, John Davis, Ken Carter, Dan <br />Southwick, Richard Bessley, David W. Smith, Fred Stipe, Ann Pearson, Alex McIver, and Inna Deng. <br />a. SUP-1-98 Gearon Communications (site east of Lloydtown Road) <br />This item was presented by Planner Eddie Kirk for the purpose of receiving <br />evidence on a Class A Special Use Permit application for the construction of a <br />telecommunication tower. The property is located in Bingham Township approximately 450 feet <br />east of Lloydtown Road (SR 1960) with the access proposed from a 50' private easement. The <br />entrance from Lloydtown Road is approximately 2000 feet south of N.C. 54 West. A 4.4 acre tract <br />is proposed with a 10,000 square foot leased area and an additional area designated as a fall <br />zone easement. The property is zoned Agricultural-Residential (AR) and is not located in a <br />designated watershed. The applicants are requesting a Class A Special Use Permit under Article <br />8.8.17a of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance to construct a 270 foot telecommunication tower, <br />an equipment cabinet, and an area for future additional telecommunication carriers. The tower <br />will be a free standing lattice structure and light steel gray in color. A type C 40 foot landscaped <br />buffer will be provided around the facility with Leyland Cypress and Loblolly Pines to be planted. <br />The site is in an open field with a tree line located along the northern property line. This tree line <br />will be left undisturbed. There are no existing towers within one mile of this site on which the <br />applicants could co-locate, however, the application indicates this tower can structurally <br />accommodate 5 users. Gearon has indicated they are willing to negotiate with other users to <br />attach additional communication facilities provided they do not interfere with the primary purpose <br />of the tower. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked how many of the towers listed in the report are taking advantage of <br />collocation. <br />Eddie Kirk indicated that he did not know but would find out and report on that. He also mentioned <br />that the guarantee that the tower will be removed if it ceases to be used is assured with a bond. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD: None <br />PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT: <br />Jim Cain, is an employee of Gearon Communication, spoke in support of this proposal. He indicated <br />that it now common to collocate for both financial and environmental reasons. Most communication <br />companies are no longer building their own towers, but rather turning to companies like Gearon <br />Communication to provide the towers. He mentioned that this tower would be built to accommodate 5 <br />users. One result of collocation is that the towers are considerably taller due to the FCC space <br />4