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The Board considered approving funding in the amount of $214,000 for PC replacement called <br />for in the next phase of the Orange County Information Technology Plan. <br />Rod Visser gave an overview of what was included in the IT plan last year. He will demonstrate <br />the air photography at a later meeting. This phase includes the purchase of 120 PC's. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Gordon, to approve <br />PC replacement plans as outlined. VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Tax Collector's Annual Settlement <br />The Board received the tax collector's annual settlement on current and delinquent taxes. That <br />report is incorporated into these minutes by reference. <br />John Link commended Tax Collector Ginger Rolfe for a tax collection rate of 98.38% which is the <br />third highest in the state. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />the tax collector's annual settlement on current and delinquent taxes. VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Senior Center Planning for a possible Aging Resource Center <br />John Link gave a report on collaborative planning efforts to establish a new Chapel Hill Senior <br />Center as part of a community-university partnership and as part of an Aging Resource Center. <br />At their last meeting the Planning Committee designated the Homestead property as a proposed <br />site for a center campus. They are asking the County Commissioners' endorsement of using the Southern <br />Human Services Center as a site for the Senior Center. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about additional information from the University. John Link said <br />that the University does not have funding in place and they do not know when or if it will be in place. <br />Commissioner Gordon expressed a concern about dedicating space from the Southern Human <br />Services Center site for this purpose. This site was intended to be used for future needs of the County <br />which may include a justice facility. Her vision was that we would locate County facilities here. She would <br />like to keep this property available to consolidate County facilities in the southern part of the County. Also, <br />she would like for the partners to bring some assets to the table. She asked for further clarification on what <br />the University could provide. Also, they need to look at the Northern Community Park area, the Horace <br />Williams tract and also the Chapel Hill Community Center property. She suggested that the University offer <br />some property in the Horace Williams tract adjacent to the Southern Human Services Center property right <br />across the line with access through the County property. <br />Commissioner Carey would like to see priority given to one of the University sites and not the <br />County site. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that this should be done on University land with the County building <br />the facility. <br />Chair Margaret Brown feels that the two park sites in Chapel Hill -southern and northern park <br />sites should be considered as possible sites for the future senior center. <br />This will come back to the County Commissioners with additional information. A letter will be written to the <br />other partners cting the County Commissioners interest in continuing the senior center beyond July 1, <br />2001. He will cite the County's concerns about using this site and bring it back September 15th. <br />10. REPORTS-NONE <br />11. APPOINTMENTS <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Orange County Arts Commission. Lynette Jeffries and <br />Glena Batson were nominated to serve on the Orange County Arts Commission for terms ending March 31, <br />2000. <br />12. MINUTES-- NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION - NONE <br />14. ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to come before the Board, a motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis,