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He asked for information on when burning is allowed. He would like for us to find a way to dispose of debris <br />besides burning. He suggested referring this to the Commission for the Environment. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that the County Commissioners included in their legislative request a <br />local bill which would allow Orange County to adopt emission control regulations. Towns have this authority <br />but Counties do not. This bill has not gone anywhere and he won't know anything until the end of the <br />session. <br />In response to Commissioner Halkiotis' comment about development in Durham County, <br />Commissioner Gordon said that some of the development is on 1-40 between 751 and Fayetteville Road. <br />She made reference to the Transportation Improvement Plan and said that the widening of Mount Carmel <br />Church Road is off the plan for now. Regarding the Commission for the Environment, they have three <br />groups of which one is air quality and transportation issues. They would be glad to address the air quality <br />issue of burning debris when appropriate. <br />4. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />John Link reported on the School and Land Use Council meeting last evening and made reference to <br />a memo dated August 11 from Neil Pedersen. The University has offered a school site on a lease basis and <br />the original Meadowmont site is also available. Both sites could be used for the fourth middle school. He <br />suggested that the County Commissioners let him know if they have any questions or comments about the <br />pros and cons of these sites. <br />He recognized Extension Director Fletcher Barber for receiving his doctorate from NC State University <br />He made reference to the new Chapel Hill transit guide which includes the bus schedule for the Southern <br />Human Services Center. A thank you note will be sent to the Chapel Hill Council for their support of this <br />additional route on their transit system. <br />5. RESOLUTIONSIPROCLAMATIONS <br />a. Proclamation for August 26, 1998 as Women's Equality Day 8th <br />The Board considered proclaiming August 26, 1998, as the 7 anniversary of the ratification of the <br />19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, giving women the right to vote. <br />Jacky Philips, member of the Commission for Women, represented the Women's Commission. <br />Commissioner Gordon read the resolution. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />the proclamation as stated below: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />WHEREAS, August 26, 1998 commemorates the Seventy-eighth anniversary of <br />women's victorious struggle to obtain the right to vote in this country, a <br />right automatically bestowed upon white males at the birth of this nation; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the contributions made by women to the political process have made <br />significant differences in the pursuit of justice for all people, regardless <br />of gender, and a positive change in the compositions of the White House, <br />state houses, courthouses, and local assembly halls throughout the country; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the courage, commitment and political accomplishments of women <br />serve as a testament to all other previously disenfranchised citizens of the <br />value in exercising one's right and duty to vote; <br />NOW THEREFORE, THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS hereby proclaims