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Commissioner Carey emphasized that he would want them to be treated fairly. <br />The County Commissioners agreed with the organizational considerations as listed in overhead #13 <br />as attached to these minutes. <br />With reference to overhead #15, the Board agreed that they will use eminent domain only as a last <br />resort. <br />With reference to overhead #16 on page 6, Chair Brown said that the last item listed "volume based <br />fees/pay-per-throw" seems to hurt those who can't pay for this service. She does not feel that this should be <br />an option in an effort to achieve waste reduction goals. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels that this list is an appropriate list to achieve waste <br />reduction goals, but that this is something that still needs to be worked out and everyone agreed. <br />With reference to overhead #17on the BOCC/Towns formalizing their decision not to seek a new <br />MSW site search, the Board agreed not to seek a new MSW site in Orange County for now. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels we need to site a transfer station soon and start saving <br />funds to build it later as necessary and the County Commissioners agreed. <br />With reference to overhead #18 on C & D disposal and attachment 16 which is a memo from Wilbert <br />McAdoo to John Link about C&D Waste Management Practices, Chair Brown said that some areas do not <br />offer C&D collection or they ship it out. She thinks that part of this is to recognize that there is a multitude of <br />options and siting this is not the absolute thing to do. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the criteria to have a successful site for C&D, MRF, and a <br />transfer station and if it is better to site them all together or separate. <br />Gayle Wilson said that the minimum acreage for all three services would be 75 to 80 acres. The C&D <br />facility would take up a lot of the space. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that every MRF he has visited was on a small piece of land. He feels <br />we could use much less than 75 acres. <br />Chair Brown said that she would like to see the C&D issue broaden its scope. She asked if we could <br />restructure the C&D site to extend the life of this facility. She feels there are other options to a C&D site. <br />She would like to see the County adopt an ordinance requiring developers to have a plan for disposing of <br />their C&D waste. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the reality is that it generates $500,000 a year and we don't have a <br />replacement for this. We are providing a service to our citizens but most of this comes from big trucks <br />involved with construction projects. <br />Commissioner Carey feels we need to go ahead and site a C&D facility and if we don't use it, it is <br />okay <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if we could put a cap on the cost and asked what would happen if we <br />don't use it. <br />Commissioner Carey said that it could be decided later - it would need to be used for a public <br />purpose. This would give us flexibility to use it for other things. He feels there should be a limit to what we <br />pay for a C&D site.