Minutes - 19980615
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19980615
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8/14/2008 1:54:01 PM
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3 <br />Chair Brown would like to see the County get back to waste reduction and recycling and <br />make a decision on how we go about achieving this in an environmentally safe way. <br />John Link said that C&D provides a revenue stream and noted that there are only 18 months left of <br />this part of the landfill. He feels that we need to replace this revenue stream and does not feel it will <br />be feasible to do this by ourselves without Chapel Hill participating. He feels we need to do our own <br />proposal. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis noted that he has taken five days vacation to visit other waste <br />management sites. He feels we need to move ahead now. The time for discussion has come to an <br />end. He doesn't feel that we need a C&D facility, but that we need a revenue stream. <br />Commissioner Carey agrees we need to make a decision on what we want to do and move <br />on <br />Chair Brown agreed. She noted that the LOG has a subcommittee working on new <br />financing. They have met three times. They have not made any decisions on a finance plan yet. <br />She made reference to attachment 9 on "Alternative Funding Strategies for Solid Waste <br />Management Programs." She feels we need a financing plan before we can move forward. <br />Commissioner Crowther said that regarding the County operating a C&D site, if a municipality <br />wanted to continue a C&D site, he sees nothing wrong with that. <br />Chair Brown asked that the staff work on some of these options. <br />John Link said that they will move ahead and hopefully have a report for the August 18th meeting. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he has a problem with the elected leadership of the County <br />not providing an option for disposal of waste that is generated in this County. We need to do <br />whatever we can to reduce the volume that goes into the landfill. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels we need to make a proposal with all the pieces including how to <br />finance the plan. <br />Commissioner Gordon mentioned that she feels we need to keep the Greene Tract for now <br />and have our proposal address the use of the Greene Tract. <br />The board agreed to have staff proceed with developing a plan for solid waste management. <br />John Link said that on governance he heard a consensus to ask Chapel Hill to continue <br />operating the present landfill. He will develop other options for creating revenue. <br />Chair Brown said that it may be necessary to use only a portion of the Greene Tract but not <br />all of it. <br />John Link clarified that if the County did take over management of solid waste, that there <br />would be an advisory group for the purpose of advising the County Commissioners -- not to make <br />decisions. <br />Chair Brown said that she would like for the advisory group to include citizens and not just <br />elected officials.
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