Orange County NC Website
A~tt,~~ .~-Q 6 <br />BUII.DING UPON PAST EFFORTS - CREATING A FUTURE FOCUS <br />A County-wide task force developed a Five Year Strategic Plan (2005-2010) after a <br />collaborative involvement of residents. The Plan was endorsed by the County <br />Commission; the Carrboro Boazd of Aldermen, the Chapel Hill Town Board, the <br />Hillsborough Town Board, the Hillsborough/Orange County Chamber of Commerce and <br />the Chapel HillJCarrboro Chamber of Commerce.. <br />Staff changes within county government, a national economic decline and funding <br />constraints have delayed or deferred efforts to pursue the goals the Plan established. The <br />commitments.and observations still have relevance and are worth pursuit: <br />Improved Local Business Climate <br />1. Develop clear criteria defining desirable businesses -including agricultural <br />options <br />2. Identify bamers <br />3. Provide outreach, recognition and expedited service to new and expanding local <br />businesses to meet development criteria <br />4. Form partnerships to create a stronger business climate and market changes to <br />existing and potential employers <br />5: Focus public education efforts on sustainability, social, economic and <br />environmental contribution of businesses <br />Infrastructure Investment to Increase Commercial Taz Base by Retaining and <br />Attracting Targeted Businesses <br />1. Extend water and sewer to the economic development zones <br />2. Facilitate the establishment adequate high speed information networks <br />3. Support Carobna North <br />4. Provide constnzctive input into the UDO <br />5: Encourage compact higher density development in areas with water and sewer <br />6. Encourage mixed use development <br />7. Promote public transportation. <br />8. Support Schools APFO <br />Work Force Development <br />1. Work closely with Durham Tech, UNC, local school systems and others to <br />provide training options for adults seeking employment. <br />2. Link desired business market segments with training programs. <br />3. Promote a living wage and benefits philosophy within economic development <br />programs. <br />4. Consider the importance of workforce needs such as transportation, childcare, <br />eldercare, healthcare and affordable housing. <br />5. Support lifelong learning and retraining opportunities. <br />