Minutes - 19980519
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19980519
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4/28/2015 3:30:43 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:36:02 PM
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Agenda - 05-19-1998
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Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 10d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1998\Agenda - 05-19-1998
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1998\Agenda - 05-19-1998
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Laura Zimmerman noted that as part of the function of her department, they are involved in <br />implementing a similar project in five rural areas of North Carolina and expect to expand this project to ten. <br />Elizabeth Mitchell said that United Way has continued to maintain the service even though the County had <br />not contributed any monies toward this project. The updated information is available and the Orange book could be <br />produced from that information. <br />A motion was made by Chair Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to refer this information to the <br />Information Technology Committee for a recommendation. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOS, 2 (Commissioners Carey and Crowther) <br />h. Upper Neuse Basin Association Funding <br />The Board considered providing $7,609 to support activities of the Upper Neuse Basin Association for fiscal <br />year 1998-99. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that since the County's riparian buffer and sedimentation/erosion control <br />regulations are generally more stringent than those required to meet the criteria of the new and proposed state nutrient <br />management/reduction rules that much of the past and projected activities of the UNRBA are not and will not be <br />applicable or of assistance to Orange County. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to not participate in <br />funding this organization and to write a letter to the UNRBA outlining what the County is doing. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Capital Request from Day Care Services Association <br />The Board considered a request from Day Care Services Association for capital funding in the amount of <br />$75,000 over five years. <br />Commissioner Carey summarized this item. He said that Day Care Services is trying to control their costs <br />to provide these services. <br />Sue Russell with Day Care Services Association said that they need additional space. They are housed in <br />inadequate space at a high cost. They have located a building at Franklin Square. They are requesting from the <br />County Commissioners $75,000 to be paid over five years. They are asking for both private and public donations as <br />well as donations from the State and other foundations. <br />Chair Margaret Brown asked Geoffrey Gledhill if the County did allocate this amount of money, could they <br />own an equity interest in the building and Geoffrey Gledhill said yes. She said that she would be interested in <br />incorporating that into any agreement which is reached. <br />Commissioner Carey does not feel the County should pursue an agreement for equity interest unless the <br />County contributes a certain amount of the project. He does not feel that $75,000 will reach that threshold. <br />John Link said that this years contribution of $15,000 will be part of the Manager's recommended budget <br />for the County Commissioners to consider. <br />NOTE: The following items were carried forward to the May 26, 1998 meeting. <br />b. Orange County Public Library - Carrboro Branch <br />C. Living Wage Ordinance <br />d. User Fee Review <br />e. 1998-99 Commissioners' Goals <br />11. APPOINTMENTS- NONE <br />12. MINUTES- NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to go into closed <br />session as authorized by General Statute 143-318.11a(3) to consult with the County Attorney and as authorized by <br />General Statute 143-318-11 a(5) to (1) establish, or to instruct the County staff and negotiating agents concerning the <br />position to be taken by or on behalf of the County in negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract or <br />proposed contract for the acquisition of real property and (2) to establish the position of and to instruct the County staff <br />and negotiating agents concerning the County's position in negotiating the amount of compensation and other material <br />terms of a proposed employment contract. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS
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