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remove the material. It is now dry so he will remove it and will put it in stump holes. He will use the material. The <br />state paid him to put the material on his land. The material is gravel, dirt and asphalt. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to grant Mr. <br />Underwood an additional 30 days to come into compliance. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />f. Telecasting County Commissioners Meetings <br />The Board reviewed costs and considered retaining an audio-visual design consultant to design facilities for <br />telecasting County Commissioners meetings. <br />Albert Kittrell gave background information on this item. <br />Michael Patrick, Chair of the Cable Advisory Committee, spoke about their recommendation for equipping <br />this Board room for telecasting. They want someone to design a system that can be put out for bid this year. They <br />need to know the level of telecasting the Board desires. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis expressed a concern about the cost of providing this service. He has a problem <br />with spending a quarter of a million dollars to cablecast from two facilities. He hopes we can keep this upfront in the <br />franchise talks with the cable company. <br />Bob Sepe, cable consultant from Triangle J, said that they can direct Time Warner to pay for the <br />equipment. However, Time Warner can pass those costs onto their subscribers or they can choose to pass none of it or <br />part of it. In all probability, it will all be borne by the subscribers in the unincorporated area of the County. The County <br />could go ahead and equip the building and then seek reimbursement from Time Warner. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if they were only talking about the Southern Human Services Center and Mr. <br />Patrick said yes. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Pam Jones said that this room was designed for cable. <br />What they would do is get the equipment and signal it back for cablecasting. <br />Tyler Johnson said that for $5,000 they feel they can get 65 hours of consulting time and this would focus <br />the project and provide accurate figures on the cost of equipment and telecasting. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested pursuing the basic option. <br />Mr. Johnson said that this Board room will be simple to equip but the room in Hillsborough would add to the <br />complexity of providing cablecasting. <br />John Link asked that the Board approve soliciting proposals for both facilities and ask that the County <br />Commissioners commit to approve the best option for the two facilities. <br />Commissioner Carey feels we need to go with the basic option and then add options or modules to that. <br />The County Commissioners want it to be cost effective but they want this room to be useful. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey for the Board of <br />County Commissioners to make a commitment to do two facilities using the basic option. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />,g, Computerized Information and Referral - Orange Resource Connection <br />The Board considered awarding a contract for the automated information and referral service to the UNC <br />School of Social Work to provide assessment and system support at a cost of $23,347.24; the Triangle United Way for <br />updating and maintaining the computerized database and telephone call-in services at a cost of $15,745; and the <br />Orange County Library for updating the Orange Book at a cost of $4,000. <br />John Link said that at the March meeting, the Board authorized staff to request proposals for operating the <br />ORC from County Clerk's Office, Triangle United Way and the UNC School of Social Work-Human Services Smart <br />Agency. The Board confirmed the key elements of the program at that time. He feels this is a human service function <br />and should be provided by the human service community with County support. <br />Albert Kittrell expanded on the various components of the system. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that one of the reasons they referred this back was that $31,000 was the <br />amount being allocated for this project and it appears that that cost has now increased. Albert Kittrell said that our <br />contribution has actually been reduced. The total project is $43,000 which is a reduction of its original cost of $60,000. <br />Chair Margaret Brown asked if this is something that needs to be on our web site. <br />Laura Zimmerman summarized the assessment instrument she will be using. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis still has some concerns. He feels that it needs to be maintained by agencies in <br />County Government. He asked that it be sent to the Information Technology (IT) committee for their review. <br />Commissioner Carey feels we need to ask the IT committee to work with this project. He feels that parts of <br />this need to move forward and that this is a function in which the County should continue to be involved. However, he <br />does not want to delay the process.