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Budget Director Donna Dean outlined the three private placement projects. These include Whitted Human <br />Services Center renovations, Northern Human Services Center renovations and the Chapel Hill Senior Center <br />replacement. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Albert Kittrell said that the Human Services <br />Management Team has discussed these renovations at length. He spoke to each renovation item that needs to be <br />accomplished and said that these renovations will cover most of the needs. Pam Jones confirmed that what is reflected <br />in this project will take care of most needs which have been identified. <br />Chair Margaret Brown asked about including the park design in the project for the Northern Human Services <br />Center and was told that this would be done within the next few months. <br />Ken Chavious said that the County will be selling in excess of $10 million in bonds for school projects next <br />year. <br />One source of funding for the private placement debt service is the one cent property tax revenue currently <br />being set aside in a land acquisition fund for school/park sites. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she feels we need to consider keeping the money in the budget for land <br />and use this fund for conservation easements or to develop a program to leverage other monies. <br />John Link said that there is not another source of revenue to address these county projects. We would <br />need to redirect the revenue source of the one cent sales tax. <br />Commissioner Carey said that using the land acquisition fund would depend on where else we can get the <br />money to finance the plan for the three projects and the where else would be the taxpayers. He supports using these <br />funds for County projects. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the three <br />capital projects as recommended to be funded through 1998 private placement financing this year and to set aside <br />$100,000 for farmland preservation, holding this amount in reserve until a program for farmland preservation is adopted <br />by the Board specific for Orange County. Other examples of different programs will be summarized for the County <br />Commissioners. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />NOTE: John Link will bring back the CIP for adoption at the next meeting. He asked that the Board contact <br />him if they have any specific questions. The question of the use for the school/park land acquisition fund will be decided <br />later. <br />b. Roy L. Atwater Zoning Case - Assessment of Civil Penalties <br />The Board considered assessing civil penalties in the Roy L. Atwater zoning case. <br />Zoning Enforcement Officer Jim Hinkley summarized the information in the agenda. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to assess civil <br />penalties in the amount of $2,000 payable within 30 days of the assessment. If the amount is not paid within that time, <br />and/or if the property is not brought into compliance, the case should be turned over to the County Attorney to take <br />appropriate action. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. Donnie Page Clanton Zoning Case - Assessment of Civil Penalties <br />The Board deleted this item. <br />d. Garv Louis Hill. Sr. and Timothv Earl Hill Zonina Case - Assessment of Civil Penalties <br />The Board considered assessing $2,000 in civil penalties in the Gary Louis Hill, Sr. and Timothy Earl Hill <br />zoning case. <br />Jim Hinkley summarized the information in the agenda. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to assess civil <br />penalties in the amount of $2,000 payable within 30 days of the assessment. If the amount is not paid within that time, <br />and/or if the property is not brought into compliance, the case should be turned over to the County Attorney to take <br />appropriate action. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Edward L. Underwood and James Lewis Zonina Case - Assessment of Civil Penalties <br />The Board considered assessing $2,000 in civil penalties in the Edward L. Underwood and James Lewis <br />zoning case. <br />Jim Hinkley summarized the information in the agenda. <br />Edward Underwood spoke in his defense saying that his property is not a dump site but that the state put <br />things on his lot. The material is on the back side of the lot and because of the weather they have not been able to