Minutes - 19980512
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19980512
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Agenda - 05-12-1998
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2 <br />1 D. POSSIBLE EXPANSION OF FAIRVIEW PARK <br />2 Horace Johnson said that funds are available to expand this facility. They are considering locating a <br />3 community center at the park. <br />4 Mr. Simpson asked if bond money is available to use for this park. <br />5 Town Commissioner Ken Chavious said that there are two issues. One is a community center which <br />6 would house a substation for the police. He does not agree with this concept. The second issue is a mobile <br />7 van which is a vehicle prepared and developed to combat crime. The Town has receive a COPS grant but <br />8 has not decided what to do at this point. Regarding expansion of the park, they were approached by <br />9 Eurosport to build soccer fields in this area. <br />10 John Link said that they made a trip to Charlotte to see a soccer field which had been built on top of a <br />11 landfill that had been closed. Charlotte officials indicated that they were having constant problems with the <br />12 ground sinking. <br />13 Chair Margaret Brown said that she is working on a recreation task force and they are doing an <br />14 inventory of park needs throughout the County. <br />15 Ken Chavious feels that they could control the problems associated with the landfill. Eurosport is <br />16 really interested in helping the Town finance soccer fields. <br />17 Chair Margaret Brown feels that the property needs to be evaluated to determine if it will be feasible to <br />18 locate soccer fields in this area. She said that the task force will have a report by late fall. <br />19 John Link said that the County does have $60,000 in the budget for Fairview Park. Some of this <br />20 could be used to test the ground in that area. The County Recreation and Parks Board supports testing the <br />21 ground before spending additional money to extend the park. <br />22 Commissioner Carey suggested contacting NC State to see if someone in their Environmental <br />23 Department can help with testing the ground for gases. <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 E. RIVER PARK STEERING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS <br />27 Margaret Hauth made reference to the original committee for the River Park. She said the plan is <br />28 finished and they need to decide on specifics and responsibility for the day to day use of the park. The <br />29 committee would include an elected official from each jurisdiction and a representative from each recreation <br />30 and parks board and three at-large members. All have been appointed except for the elected officials. This <br />31 steering committee will also look into the availability of grant money for developing the park. <br />32 Commissioner Gordon would like for the committee charge and composition to come before the Board <br />33 as an agenda item for their discussion and input. <br />34 <br />35 F. NAMING OF RIVER PARK <br />36 Commissioner Crowther said that the original task force did a survey and asked for possible names <br />37 for the park. They came up with four recommendations. These two governing boards will need to name this <br />38 park. The four names suggested by citizens are River Park, Eno Will Park, Heritage Park and River Green. <br />39 <br />40 G. SOLID WASTE ENFORCEMENT ISSUES <br />41 John Link said that this is in response to a letter from Mayor Johnson in which he expressed <br />42 concerns about various enforcement issues within Hillsborough's Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction. <br />43 John Link said that he has indicated to Mayor Johnson that if there is a problem with accumulated waste, <br />44 that the Town contact the County's Public Works Department which will send someone out with a Sheriffs <br />45 Deputy to investigate and hopefully identify who has thrown out this trash. The Town is responsible within its <br />46 own city limits. The County's responsibility is the County and the ETJ. <br />47 John Link made reference to animal control issues and said that the County does enforce the Animal <br />48 Control Ordinance within the Town of Hillsborough but has no contract to do so. The managers will work <br />49 together to clarify the situation and determine the level of service. <br />50 Mr. Simpson said that he feels the level of service is adequate. The County's Animal Control officers <br />51 have responded every time he has called them. <br />52 <br />53 H. ZONING ENFORCEMENT OF PROPERTY AT CORBINICHURTON STREETS <br />54 John Link said that the County does issue building permits within Hillsborough and soil and erosion <br />55 permits but the County has no authority to enforce zoning regulations within the Town limits.
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