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A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Carey to adopt the <br />debt management policy as presented. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />,g, txrension or ueveiopmeni ivioraionum Tor c:arrporo Nortnern stuay Area <br />The Board considered extending an existing moratorium on the processing of special use and conditional <br />use permits by the Town of Carrboro in the Northern Study Area. <br />Interim Planning Director Gene Bell said that this request from Carrboro would extend this moratorium for <br />Carrboro's Northern Study Area until September 30, 1998. <br />If the County Commissioners do not object to this, no further action will be required. If the County <br />Commissioners do object, they need to respond in writing by May 12 for Carrboro's public hearing. <br />The Board agreed to take no action on this item. <br />h. Lease Renewal - Space Reallocation for Court Offices at Carr Mill Mall and Moodv Buildin <br />The Board considered renewing its lease at Carr Mill Mall and reallocating approximately 2,700 square feet <br />of space for the Public Defender's office. <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones explained this item. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for an inventory of facilities leased by Orange County and Pam Jones indicated she will <br />include this list as part of the budget. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve and <br />authorize the Chair to sign a lease with Carr Mill Mall reallocating approximately 2,700 square feet of space for the <br />Public Defender's office. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />i. Lease Renewal - 103 Laurel Ave.. Carrboro <br />The Board deleted this item from the agenda. <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. OWASA Assessment Policy <br />The Board heard a presentation on OWASA's assessment policy and the process by which the OWASA <br />Board would like to receive feedback from the Board of Commissioners. <br />Alan Reimer, member of the OWASA Board of Directors presented this report. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the list of septic tank problems and asked if they know if septic <br />tank maintenance was done and Ed Kerwin said that this was not one of the questions in the assessment. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the groundwater study and said that they are in phase two of this <br />study doing groundwater quality studies. <br />Alan Reimer said that the University knows we are having these discussions and have not closed the door <br />on further discussion. <br />Ed Kerwin clarified that the assessment did include a question on maintenance and the response was that <br />66% had their septic tanks pumped within the last twenty years. They had a 19% response rate on the survey. <br />Chair Margaret Brown asked if the towns have a 1/2 cent sales tax that they can use for infrastructure that can <br />include water, sewer, streets, etc. John Link said that he understands that Chapel Hill has a waiver from the State for <br />putting money into water and sewer. <br />Alan Reimer said that both towns have been trying to find money to help with problems stemming from <br />water and sewer. <br />It was decided that this item will be added to a work session for further discussion. <br />b. Agricultural Land Preservation Proposal <br />The Board considered allocating $200,000 in the Capital Investment Program for the Purchase of <br />Agricultural Easements (PACE) program. <br />Commissioner Crowther said that information had been previously presented on this proposal. This would <br />preserve some of our agricultural land through an investment process. There are only a few agricultural districts <br />identified at this point but this would be an incentive to move this program forward. His proposal is for $200,000. This <br />would be funded in future years from the deferred taxes received each year. <br />Don Belk explained the PACE program which is described in the agenda. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for an assessment of the impact of this $200,000 on the CIP. <br />Commissioner Carey spoke in support of this program. He would like this placed on an upcoming agenda <br />as a decision item.