Minutes - 19980506
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19980506
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4/28/2015 3:31:42 PM
Creation date
8/13/2008 1:35:50 PM
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Agenda - 05-06-1998
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1998\Agenda - 05-06-1998
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Agenda - 05-06-1998 - 8c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1998\Agenda - 05-06-1998
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1998\Agenda - 05-06-1998
Agenda - 05-06-1998 - 8e
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e. Orange County Disability Awareness Week <br />Marty Ravellette with the Orange County Disability Awareness Council introduced his daughter who read <br />the letter about the Council being one of the recipients of the 1997 JCPenny Golden Rule Award. She read the <br />proclamation as stated below. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve this <br />proclamation as stated below: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />Whereas, the Orange County Disability Awareness council is a non-profit, volunteer citizens' action group dedicated to <br />improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities in Orange County; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County Disability Awareness Council seeks to promote opportunities for disabled citizens to work <br />and live in an environment free of barriers imposed by architecture, attitude, and/or lack of opportunity; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County Disability awareness Council conducts annual recognition ceremonies to recognize <br />individuals, organizations, or groups who actively include in their services and programs people with disabilities; and <br />Whereas, while Orange County and the State of North Carolina offer many opportunities for individuals with disabilities, <br />much of our citizenry remains unaware of the capabilities and aspirations of persons with disabilities; and <br />Whereas, Orange County recognizes that persons with disabilities are a resource we cannot afford to overlook or not <br />use to their highest potential; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County Disability Awareness Council received the 1997 JCPenny Golden Rule Award and <br />facilitated the recognition and receipt of State level awards for Orange County citizens assisting persons with <br />disabilities. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in recognition of the Orange County Disability Awareness Council receiving the prestigious <br />JCPenny Golden Rule Award as the most outstanding volunteer group and previous awards of prominence for the past <br />three years, we the governing bodies of Orange County do hereby proclaim May 3-10, 1998 as Disability Awareness <br />Week and urge all citizens to become more aware of the needs and capabilities of persons with disabilities. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Proposed N.C. DOT 1998-99 Secondary Road Improvement Program <br />The Board held a public hearing to receive public input on the proposed N.C. Department of Transportation <br />1998-99 Secondary Road Improvement Program. <br />Mr. Doug Galyon made some opening remarks. He said that he represents Division 7 on the North Carolina <br />Board of Transportation. They are pleased to present their 1998-99 Secondary Road Improvement Program for the <br />Board's consideration of approval. The anticipated allocation for secondary roads is $1,895,269. This represents a <br />5.75% decrease from 1997-98. <br />Division Engineer John Watkins summarized the program for 1998-99. He recognized Tommy Dyer, <br />District Engineer and the County Maintenance Engineer Chuck Edwards. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made reference to the increase in gas taxes which were suppose to go for paving <br />all the unpaved roads in North Carolina. <br />John Watkins clarified that they were to pave every unpaved road with 50 vehicles and all roads within 15 <br />years and that they are pretty well on schedule. <br />Mr. Wakins said that they do have a chance of getting additional money for repair. He will keep the Board <br />informed of any additional funds that may be available. <br />Mr. Galyon said that there is a bill before Congress at this time which is in conference that could provide <br />$140 or $150 million additional dollars which they will use for highway maintenance. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that Transportation Planner Slade McCalip address the right of way issue on <br />Highrock Road. A group of citizens on Highrock Road has asked that their road be moved back up on the list for <br />consideration. <br />John Watkins said that since the right of way just became available last week, they could wait until next year <br />and add this project to that program. However, if the County Commissioners want to make a recommendation, they <br />could delete the last road listed for this years program and add High Rock Road or if they have right of way problems, <br />they could add this road at that time.
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