Orange County NC Website
Draft Revised 10/26/10 <br />. Level of Debt <br />• <br />12.The County will maintain its net bonded debt at a level not to exceed three <br />percent of the assessed valuation of taxable property within the County. <br />13.The County will strive to maintain its annual debt service costs at a level no <br />greater than fifteen percent of general fund revenues, including installment <br />purchase debt. This is a recommended "best practice" from the Government <br />Finance Officers Association. <br />Advance Refunding of Debt <br />14.The County will make every effort to issue advance refunding bonds to <br />achieve cost savings of at least 3% percent net of the refunding bonds. Net <br />savings includes gross savings less issuance costs and any cash <br />contributions to the refunding. The 3% savings is the minimum savings <br />permissible before the North Carolina Local Government Commission will <br />consider advance refunding bonds. These decisions will be based upon the <br />maturity date of the refunded bonds, the call date and premium on the <br />refunded bonds and the interest rates at which the refunding bonds can be <br />issued. <br />Undesignated Fund Balance <br />15.The County will strive to maintain an undesignated balance in the general <br />fund of 17% percent of budgeted general fund operating expenditures each <br />fiscal year. The amount of undesignated fund balance maintained during each <br />fiscal year should not fall below 8% percent of budgeted general fund <br />operating expenditures as recommended by the North Carolina Local <br />Government Commission. <br />16.To the extent that general fund undesignated fund balance exceeds 17% <br />percent the balances may be utilized to fund capital expenditures or pay down <br />outstanding County debt. <br />Investment of Capital Funds <br />17. Investment of capital funds will be.performed in accordance with the North <br />Carolina General Statutes (159-30). Funds will be invested in instruments that <br />will provide the liquidity required to meet the cash flow needs of each project <br />funded. <br />10 <br /> <br />