Agenda - 03-15-2011- 7b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-15-2011
Agenda - 03-15-2011- 7b
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/10/2011 4:49:30 PM
Creation date
3/10/2011 4:49:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 03-15-2011
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
RES-2011-026 Resolution Providing Comments to NC Dept. of Transportation Regarding Draft 2011–2020 State Transportation Improvement Program
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
RES-2011-027 Resolution Providing Comments to DCHC Transportation Advisory Committee Regarding Draft 2012-2018 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2011
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Attachment 2 <br />current bridge to the Cedar Ridge High School entrance. If a small stretch of <br />sidewalk were constructed from the future pedestrian overpass to Timbers Avenue, <br />50-60 Cedar Ridge students could walk safely to school. <br />Student counts in 2010, per Orange County Schools, indicate 126 high school <br />students living within one mile of Cedar Ridge. Most of these students live in one of <br />three neighborhoods just over I-40 from the school: Patriot's Pointe, Colonial <br />Estates, and the Timbers. (Patriot's Pointe is one of the largest apartment <br />complexes in Hillsborough and has the highest density population in the town as <br />well.) The SRTS project has identified a short cut for kids living in Patriot's Pointe <br />and Colonial Estates that makes the walk along Orange Grove Road very short. <br />Construction of a crosswalk on New Grady Brown School Road from Cedar Ridge <br />High to Grady Brown Elementary would provide access to many of the one hundred <br />thirty-six (136) Grady Brown Elementary School students currently living within a <br />mile of the school. <br />2. EB-5108. Dairyland Road (SR 1112) Union Chapel Grove Road (SR 1111) to <br />Orange Grove Road (SR 1006), add wide paved shoulders <br />Orange County requests NCDOT proceed without delay with the feasibility study <br />scheduled in the 2009-2011 TIP. This area experiences high levels of bicycle traffic <br />from Carrboro and Chapel Hill to rural routes. This route is a portion of the number 3 <br />priority listed in Orange County's Priority List for the 2009-2015 TIP for projects <br />outside the MAB. The entire project would connect the urbanized areas of Carrboro <br />and Chapel Hill to Efland and Mebane via Dairyland Road, Orange Grove Road, and <br />Buckhorn Road. The portion from Union Grove Church Road to Orange Grove <br />Road is part of a loop that, along with Old NC 86, has been designated as a North <br />Carolina Scenic Corridor. NCDOT, through the Moving Ahead Program and the <br />Resurfacing Program has provided 2' paved shoulders on Orange Grove Road, <br />improving conditions for cyclists from Old NC 86 to Dairyland Road to NC 54. <br />Orange County requested this project as a rural project, as most of the route was <br />outside The DCHC MPO planning area. Recently the state approved an expansion <br />of the Metropolitan Area Boundary, which now includes most of this route. <br />3. B-5348. Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) replace bridge number 85 over Phil's <br />Creek: Orange County recommends accelerating this project. The Draft STIP <br />proposes replacement of this bridge in 2019. NCDOT has programmed this portion <br />of Old Greensboro Road to be resurfaced in 2011 and Orange County has <br />requested 2' paved shoulders be included in the repaving project. The bridge will <br />not handle being repaved and has been patched repeatedly to repair recurring <br />potholes. Old Greensboro Road is identified in the Orange County Bicycle Plan and <br />the DCHC Long Range Transportation Plan as a priority bicycle route, and is part of <br />the NCDOT Mountains to Sea Bicycle Route (Route 2). <br />9 <br />
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