Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Attachment 2 <br />4. Project I-0305, widen I-85 to six lanes and reconstruct interchanges and structures- <br />Orange County requests that NCDOT consider comments submitted for previous <br />TIP updates by Orange County regarding the I-85 widening project. The OUTBoard <br />requests the following based on previous County comments: <br />• Provide, in consultation with county staff, sidewalks and bike lanes along <br />roads where interchange improvements are required, and to include <br />adequate guardrails on overpasses; <br />• Provide 12' wide travel lanes and 4' wide paved shoulders for a total <br />paved width of 32' for any roads that may be relocated as part of the <br />project (NCDOT Division of Highways Planning and Environmental <br />Branch has previously indicated that Herman Church Road, SR 1713, <br />and Old NC 10, SR 1710, may be relocated as part of I-305); <br />• Widen the overpass on NC 86 to accommodate increased traffic volumes <br />resulting from recent development in the adjacent Economic <br />Development District; <br />• As part of the project, widen NC 86 from US 70 A to Old NC 10, SR <br />1710, including bicycle lanes and sidewalks; and <br />• Consult with county staff regarding design of the US 70 interchange to: <br />- To bring to the attention of the NCDOT Staff Biologist, the proposed <br />construction of a wildlife corridor under I-85 in the vicinity of US70 <br />Interchange, as recommended in the "The New Hope Corridor Open <br />Space Master Plan: Proposals for Linking Duke Forest and Eno <br />River State Park' ;and <br />- To provide a pedestrian trail under I-85 linking New Hope Creek and <br />the Eno River (New Hope Rustic Woodland Trail proposed as an <br />element of the Lands Legacy Program). <br />5. Projects to alleviate congestion in downtown Hillsborough <br />Orange County requests that studies be programmed for projects to alleviate <br />congestion in downtown Hillsborough, now that the Elizabeth Brady Road Extension <br />project has been removed from the STIP. These projects include: <br />• R-2825, South Churton Street improvements from I-40 to the Eno River; <br />• U-3436, Realignment of the Eno Mountain and Mayo Street intersections with <br />Orange Grove Road; <br />• Anew project to extend Orange Grove Street to US 70 A; and <br />• Anew project to widen NC 86 from US 70 Bypass to NC 57 with intersection <br />improvements at US 70. <br />