Orange County NC Website
nVr. ci. [vv~o J:v7rm r~.ccuum nuuac nc~urc~j .._. ,,,, , <br />~6~E~~~ir/4~L . ~ <br />recovery ~cein#er <br />IvIFdVIORANDUM OF AGR~SIVlffi~iT <br />BLT9VEEN <br />Fmrdom Home and Otanga Rspa Crisis <br />3cptember i, 2007 <br />TEzis memorandram of agt~eanent is E~atween F~dam House Recovery Center (FHRC) and. <br />Orange Rape Crisis. The purpose of tip memorandum is'tn outline the pa~ocedur~ used fns <br />intsrFaaing sedvioes fnr the clients attendir,~ Frerdam Haase Recovery Caster Resourr,B~ <br />Center sad Orange Rape Crisis. - - ' <br />Parties agter as fellows: <br />~~& - <br />1. To r ootrnrnarication witi~ ~e FI3RC Resocrnx C.e~ex <br />C.oocYiinefor as foc evaluat~g end in~pmdving client servio~s. <br />t . 2 To divide individosl and group q~rseling.for k'H cdies~ when seeded <br />3. Topsnvidethis service stao ~ to FHRC crt~ie client <br />k'HRCs Reece Cait~ S`taff'ag~ree: <br />1. To obtain allrequaednlea~ofiafaat~ion fps ~eadedtfl t~itate the . <br />afb~~s~c~ies. <br />2. To ptnvide $ay peatin~t m£o~ori about the clie~ ~ iasratr sppmp~te <br />- ~ . <br />3. To provide mee~it~ space fns' gt~ps wbeo sided ~ rege~ed. <br />4, To pTOVide this seavic~ at no east b Rape t~isis. <br />17 <br />Ibis m shall be in effect from S~ 1, 20U7 on, sad may be terminated by ~ . <br />either party ar by mamtal caosesrt afboth patties involvexi, provided that wrtlr~r natic~ of <br />such latent is given thartY (30) Hays Prior to the effective date of terminstian. <br />~. <br />. , ,. <br />Marg~^et ~ ' e Director 7Yish Hussey, EzecsdiNe D c~or <br />Qrarege Rape t:5~icis Freedom House Recovery Center <br />