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16 <br />7:~e~/OLfT~ <br />recovery center <br />MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN <br />Freedom House AND JOCCA <br />• Apn71, 2008 ~ . . <br />This memorandum of agreement is betweeu~FteedomHou~ Recovery Center (FHIZC) and <br />Joint Or~~Cha+~19m Community Action Inc. (JOCCA). The purpose ofthis ~ . <br />memorandum is in outline the procedm-e used for interfacing services for the clients . <br />attending Freedom House. Recovery Center Resotu+ce Center and (dam Counseling <br />Center (CCC). <br />Parkes agree as fioIlocvs: ~ . <br />JOCZ'..A agrees; . <br />1. To maintain comnumicationwrth the FHRC R~sovnce Center <br />C'poar as needed far evaluating and improving client seavioes. <br />2. To provide c~ieut usage of camput,~s to design res<mae's; employment <br />search and file uneanploylneat claims <br />Z /"rt-,.,..r.,..~~i1 L....... a.. nctrl7 //^r _i_ n-.--- t~~ 1 t~ <br />.~. VI~,rGLr4~.WjjJ,j~Q.VGLtY.i."cT~ ~1ttLLU ~L?ururrrnru~ _~y~cr_~ r,~rrf-~Cr_ >~w~rr~ <br />which is a self suilicieat program to aid clients in getting jobs, is ~ <br />educaiio~n goals and icy assishance. <br />4. To provide this service at no charge to FHRGCCC, ~ the client . <br />FI-3IZCs Coardinabor and/or CSS Worker agrees . <br />1. T'o obtain ail requirexi release of infom~tion forms needed to fie the <br />exchange ofinfi~ationbdweea agencies. ~ . <br />2. To provide any pertinent infomaation about the client to insure appropriate <br />services. <br />3. To refer clients to JOCCA.. <br />" This memorandum may be tenninatexi by eithex .Party or by mutrial consent of bow parties <br />.. involved; .provided that vvriiten notice of such intent is given thirty (30) days prior to the <br />effective date of tenminatian. <br />Trish Hressey, . vector <br />Freedom House Recovery Center <br />