Orange County NC Website
Apr. L1. LUU~ ]:VOrm r(eeaom House rcecovery iyo, rYir r. iu . <br />E~~~ <br />recovery teeter - . <br />MBMORANDUM 01:' AGREEZ«NT <br />- BBf4VEEM <br />Freedom House and Oxford House <br />April 1, 2008 <br />This menwrandam of ag~ment is 6etvre~ Freedom Horse Recovery Caster <br />CFHRC) aaa Qxficsd House The purpose of this memoa3adum is to out3ine the <br />procedure used far interfacir~ services far the clients attending Freedom House <br />R,ecovety Center Resource Cesrtcr eud Oxford House. <br />Parties as follavvs; <br />QxforriI~use <br />I. To n coumna~ication wi8i~ FHRC Rye Center <br />Cboadmamor as ao~a3 for evala~ag and i~avirig cdieut s~c~s, <br />2. Top~uvidebpusingsupportforFHclieotswla~anxrled. <br />• 3. Topavvide tl~s s~-ix afro chin FHRC arty client <br />r!ren ~ n _ ~_~ Q. _ <br />1. To ob~in aIl iequice3~i of infcmiado~ ins n~bd m facali~ tip e <br />ofan~ . <br />2 To prvviclr aQyp~t icon abvmtl~ clierrt to icy ~ s~a.~ <br />. 3. TQasfnnd ze~als ea3 ariet~io~n fcrindividuals who ate good c~idates far the <br />P~ <br />- 4. Toprovidethis smvice atzp cx~t~ <br />This memorandum shall bo is efrect from April 1, ZQDS on, and may be terminated I:y eitbet <br />part3~ or by mutual consent a€both parties involved, provided tbst written notice of such intent is <br />given thirty _(30) days prior to the eflx~Ctivc dolt of man. ~,,.. <br />.• / <br />.~ _ •'~• <br />_ ,. <br />~ ~~,~ <br />-~ , <br />een ~ oar, "7}tsh F~ussey, ' e D' clot <br />Qxfnr.~d Rouse ~}eedo~ flouea Recovery Caner <br />