Orange County NC Website
4 <br />RECO~IMENDATION~S~R The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1 } Conduct a public hearing to solicit comments from the public on a possible November 8, <br />2011 Special Advisory Referendum Concerning the Levy of a Une-Quarter Cent ~114~} <br />County Sales and Use Tax; <br />2} Direct staff to place the attached Draft Resolution Scheduling a Special Advisory <br />Referendum Concerning the Levy of a Une-Quarter Gent ~114~} County Sales and Use <br />Tax on the April 5, 2011 regular meeting agenda for Board action; and <br />3} In preparation for possible Board approval of the referendum resolution at the April 5, <br />2011 regular Board meeting, schedule and direct staff to move forward with public <br />notices for a public hearing at the same April 5, 2011 meeting on the possible uses for <br />the potential proceeds from the additional sales tax if approved by the voters. <br />Based on approval of the above, staff will begin planning for 1} Board discussion at either the <br />April ? orApri! 12 work session on the possible uses of the potential sales tax funds; 2} potential <br />Board action at the April 19, 2011 regular meeting on a second resolution regarding the planned <br />uses of the potential sales tax funds; and 3} Board discussion and action on a potential public <br />education effort. <br />