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Mr. Don Kuty, indicated that he was a member of the steering committee and participated in the <br />facilitated process. He spoke about connector roads. Consensus was reached on prohibiting large <br />developments from connecting through small developments. The current draft of the map has eliminated <br />these connector roads and most of the text has removed reference to them. However, on page 78 a <br />reference was left in the document. <br />Mr. Roy Williford indicated that they intended to correct this to coincide with the other references in <br />the Plan. <br />JEF, a resident of the Calvander area, asked several questions. Mr. Williford responded that he was <br />not able to say exactly how close to the 75% threshold Transition Area I was because it includes right-of- <br />ways and other public utility easements. However, in general the figure is approximately 70%. Also, the <br />plan which was accepted by Carrboro was written by the Facilitation Steering Committee. JEF then <br />commented that he thinks the plan is moving in the right direction, but it still needs work. He referred back <br />to the work of the Joint Land Use Planning Agreement from 15 years ago. One of their largest concerns <br />was leapfrog development in the transition area. He wants to see that honored. He mentioned that when <br />they were in the facilitated meeting they were not told that this plan abrogates the Transition Area I and II <br />model. He believes in that model and he does not approve of this model. Those Ordinances should be <br />incorporated within Carrboro as well as outside. He listed what he identified as six or more factual errors in <br />this report. In particular, he noted Item 1.6 on page 58 pertaining to the creation of the business/office <br />assembly areas. He felt that there were many inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the proposed plan. <br />Carrboro Board of Alderman Gist pointed out that this is a Draft and those inaccuracies will be <br />corrected prior to adoption. <br />Mr. Stephen Dear, a resident of Stony Hill Road, agreed with JEF. He also pointed out that he, JEF <br />and a group of residents of this area met recently and there was agreement among that group with the <br />points that JEF has made. They do not think that the plan is ready for adoption. <br />Ms. Carol-Ann Greenslade re-stated that she had been involved in this planning process from the <br />beginning. She repeated that all decisions were made with the idea that there were two transitions areas. <br />She is opposed to changing this portion of the plan. She also pointed out that she was opposed to having <br />this zone be separate from the rest of the plan. She requested that the County remain the overseer of that <br />area. She wanted to be reassured that the Ordinance would be considered for adoption by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />Attorney Mike Brough indicated that Carrboro would propose the adoption of the Ordinance and <br />send the text to the Commissioners. If the County objects, then it would not be adopted until agreement <br />was reached. That process has not been changed. The change that is being proposed is with respect to <br />the floating zone concept. Presently, an amendment to the map can only be adopted by a joint public <br />hearing of the Board of Aldermen and County Commissioners. This is proposing that this process would <br />not be required of the floating zones. Once the concept is approved by the Board of Commissioners, <br />Carrboro could act without the joint process for individual decisions on a particular portion of the property. <br />There is a perception that the implementation of the floating zone is closer to an administrative process <br />which is site specific. However, it is closer to the conditional use process which under the existing <br />arrangement is already administered by Carrboro. It would still require a public hearing in the <br />Carrboro area. <br />Ms. Carolyn Miller, a Stony Hill resident, indicated that she participated in the facilitated meetings. <br />She felt that it was a good plan but that it should be adopted at the same time that the ordinances were <br />adopted. She was very opposed to this being adopted without the ordinance being adopted at the same <br />time or before. She pointed out that there was supposed to be a 75 foot, undisturbed buffer between Stony <br />Creek and Hogan Farm which was completly destroyed. There is no buffer left.