Orange County NC Website
PIN Application $100,000 — This includes training and all site visits associated with development. <br />Any additional enhancements once the product is completed will be a change order and will be priced <br />out. (included in Exhibit 1) <br />AMCAD Interface $18,500 (Included in Exhibit 1) <br />Accella Interface $15,000 (Included in Exhibit 1) <br />Upgrade to NET $75,000 (this will take place after the first 3 years of release of Net product. <br />This includes conversion, implementation and training) <br />(This will be billed at the time of NET implementation) <br />Total $208,500 <br />Total for AssessPro Project $400,050— See Exhibit I for breakdown <br />Total for PIN Project $100,000 — See Exhibit I for breakdown <br />Total for first year (no support) $500,050 <br />Support Fees (Year 2 — 5) <br />AssessPro $20,000 <br />GIS Viewer $2,800 <br />Tablet Interface $3,500 <br />SyncPro $4,000 <br />Multi -Year $3,000 <br />Total for second year $33,300 <br />