Orange County NC Website
93 Discover Phase _ <br />Discovery with Orange County ACCELA Interface <br />Project Name: <br />Project Managers: <br />Project Scope: <br />Project Specifications <br />October 5, 2008 <br />Version 2,0 <br />Orange County Accela Project — Draft 2 <br />Kristen O'Connor - Patriot Properties <br />Implement an interface with Accela from AssessPro. <br />Patriot will pull information into AssessPro from Accela. <br />The following is a list of enhancements that Patriot will <br />make for the interface to work properly for the County: <br />1. The current interface that exists with AssessPro from <br />Accela is shown below. This will be one option to push <br />data in manually if the automatic procedure fails. <br />Patriot will set up a database on the AssessPro server <br />with the tables from Permits Plus. The County will <br />dump their data into SQL tables and Patriot will pick up <br />the data from here. There will be two files; one for <br />inspections and one for permit information. Patriot will <br />set up a job to run bi- weekly (we need to decide on <br />dates) at 7:00pm to pull the data into the Building <br />Permit section of AssessPro. <br />:We also need to update the Permits Plus with data from <br />AssessPro. There is an attachment of the data fields that <br />are currently getting pulled into Permits Plus. So this <br />needs to be the first part of the process. This data needs <br />to be updated on a nightly basis. AssessPro will <br />publish to a staging table the changes. We will not <br />update permit plus directly. <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />We need to build a set of tables for the Accela import <br />process for the county to dts their data to.The County <br />will not be dtsing data anymore, but creating SQL <br />tables with their data. <br />We need a stored procedure to read in the data and - <br />import into AssessPro. <br />If a failure occurs they will need to modify existing user <br />interface to open those tables and manually and assign <br />the build permit to the correct account number. Push <br />the data to AssessPro via the stored procedure. AAny _ - - Formatted: Font cots: rwco__ <br />errors will be reported to BrrorHandling Table so they <br />can query that table to check if something went <br />