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Randy Briggs provided a report on the confiscation of cars for repeated DWI offenses. <br />They spent $4,000 for a place to house these automobiles and have so far towed 19 vehicles at a cost of <br />$1300. <br />c. Water and Sewer for New Schools (OCS) <br />Randy Briggs said that he questions if there is assistance available to help pay for water <br />and sewer. John Link said that they have no provision for assistance. Randy Briggs said that this is an <br />issue that needs to be discussed. Bob Bateman asked if this is something they need to pursue with <br />Hillsborough. <br />d. Agreement for Providing Coordinated Facili Panning (OCS) <br />Susan Dovenbarger expressed interest in this resolution and asked if collocating and <br />sharing facilities would increase the cost for several groups to use the facility. John Link said that all <br />partners would bring money with them. If it is the County talking with the school about a combination <br />school/community park, it would be the County bringing money to the table. Susan Dovenbarger asked <br />when those discussions would take place. John Link said that the organization which has a plan would <br />call a meeting of all those interested parties. Larry Haverland said that they are looking at a site for a <br />school and he asked when they go out and walk the property, if the County and other possible partners <br />go with them. John Link said that the County would be interested in doing that. <br />Chair Margaret Brown said that she would like for them to include the County when <br />looking at possible sites and asked that we work together on this. Commissioner Crowther also asked <br />not to limit collaborating to recreation but include senior centers, etc. <br />e. Additional Funding of Capital Improvement Plan C( HCCS) <br />Harvey Goldstein said that they wanted to remind the County Commissioners that <br />in the discussion of the bond referendum last year, the funding that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br />received for renovations was less than their needs or less than the formula for the policy for the two <br />school systems. On a per pupil basis and on the basis of the age of their school buildings, they will <br />need additional funds for renovations. He made reference to the list in the packet. They have not added <br />any new items to their wish list. <br />John Link said that he looked back at the process they followed. The formula is for <br />funding appropriated to the school system from sales tax, proceeds from bonds and impact fees. He <br />recalls a Dec. 6 letter urging the board to approve option 5b, so there may need to be a further <br />explanation of option 5b. He clarified that there was never a binding O.U. for money for renovations. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that the voters did approve a change in the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro City Schools district tax on the use of this tax. They are using 17.9 and the cap is 35. They <br />can now legally use this to fund capital. He recalls a discussion where the County Commissioners did <br />say they would try to help with the needs which were not covered by bond monies. Commissioner <br />Halkiotis said that using the district tax is one way to pay for these unmet needs. <br />f. Preparation of the 1998-99 Operating Budget Request C( HCCS) <br />Nick Didow said that they have provided to the Board of County Commissioners a <br />letter of what they have done so far with their budget. <br />e General Updates from School districts C{ HCCS) <br />Nick Didow said that in the interest of coordination and intergovernmental relations <br />they do have a representative on the New Horace Williams Operations Advisory Committee. They look <br />forward to participating on this committee. He mentioned that this has been a good year for them. One