Orange County NC Website
(3) Transfer Station? <br />2. Decisions on Content/Formal of Communication to Municipal Governing Boards <br />(including specific questions to be posed) <br />#14 Recommendations Regarding Mailing of Information <br />The Board agreed that a system needs to be developed for delivering landfill related documents to the <br />neighborhood group and others who have requested this information. <br />#13 Recommendations Regarding Expansion of Landfill <br />The Board clarified that the governing bodies agreed to not place solid waste operations at the Neville <br />Tract. With regards to the Greene Tract, the County Commissioners have never agreed to not locate a <br />landfill operation at this site. Chair Margaret Brown feels they need to look at all areas and the Board agreed <br />to leave their options open on this item. <br />#12 Post-Closure Use of Landfill <br />The Board agreed that locating a park on top of a landfill is not a good idea. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that she would like to see a park provided closer to where the people <br />are, or development of a northern Chapel Hill park for the region. <br />Gail Wilson did indicate that the outer portion of the landfill could be used as a walking trail and <br />Commissioner Crowther asked to leave that option open. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill noted that the Landfill Owners Group interlocal agreement does not make a <br />commitment to use the landfill as a park, but only suggests that it may be used as a future park site. <br />The Board agreed to add to the Recreation and Parks goals a goal for a small park in this area. <br />#11 Activities Related to Planning Boundaries <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that she feels this is an issue between Chapel Hill and Carrboro. She <br />has no problem if Chapel Hill and Carrboro want to change this boundary. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill noted that this would need to be presented for public hearing at a Joint Planning <br />Area meeting and go through this process. <br />The Board agreed to let this issue go through the Joint Planning Area process and said that they <br />stand ready to do whatever needs to be done to facilitate this process. <br />#10 Re-Routing of Bus Lines <br />Chapel Hill Town Manager Cal Horton said that the funding for this project could be significant. Their <br />Council will need to discuss this issue. <br />#9 Placement of "Children Playing" and School Bus Stop„ Signs <br />Chair Margaret Brown wrote a letter to Mr. Gaylon requesting DOT to address this issue as soon as <br />possible. She will write one more letter and if there is no response will ask him to attend our next regular <br />meeting. <br />#8 Installation of Perimeter Fencing <br />Gail Wilson stated that the funding for this perimeter fencing will be placed in the budget over the next <br />two years. This will be discussed as part of their budget deliberations next month. This will be a chain link <br />fence. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested increasing the tipping fees to do this project in one year. She feels <br />this is important to the community. The total cost of the project will be $150,000. <br />#7 Action Relating Lo Illegal Dumping <br />Chair Margaret Brown will add to her letter to Mr. Gaylon a request for more illegal dumping signs.