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VOTE: UNANIMOUS (A copy of this resolution and attachments are in the permanent agenda file in the <br />Clerk's Office. ) <br />e. Bid Award, Skills Development Center <br />The board considered awarding a bid in an amount not to exceed $824,422, to O.C. Mitchell Jr. for <br />renovation of the Skills Development Center, 503 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that we try to stay at the targeted amount of $780,000. If <br />that is impossible, she would like for the County to only borrow $780,000 and find County funds for the <br />remainder of the project. <br />Commissioner Carey would like for us to use what we have in reserve accounts instead of <br />borrowing money. He agrees with going to the LGC for the full amount but not necessarily use the total amount <br />approved by the LGC. <br />It was decided that the Skills Development Center Advisory Subcommittee would be reconvened to <br />do the value engineering for this project. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to (1) direct the <br />clerk to record in the minutes the proposals submitted to the County for this renovation project: (2) declare the <br />O.C. Mitchell, Jr., Inc. single-prime bid of $824,222 the low bid and O.C. Mitchell, Jr., Inc. the lowest <br />responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and the time specified in the proposals for <br />the performance of the renovation project to be done at 503 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill; (3) authorize the <br />Director of Purchasing and Central Services to negotiate with O.C. Mitchell, Jr., Inc. in an attempt to bring the <br />bid within the targeted ($780,000) project amount; and (4) direct the Manager and staff to undertake the <br />necessary procedural steps to secure approval from the LGC. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Note: The bids are included as part of these minutes by reference to pages <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Solid Waste Issues <br />The Board heard a report on solid waste issues and proposed water lines in the area of Eubanks <br />Road landfill. <br />John Link summarized the information in the agenda packet which he feels is relevant to making <br />decisions on solid waste management issues that were identified in various work sessions the end of the year. <br />John Link made reference to the construction and demolition issue and said that a decision needs <br />to be made quickly on how we dispose of C & D in the future. The County has two years left at this site which <br />indicates a need for either another C & D landfill or a processing center. He made reference to the mixed <br />waste disposal options as identified in the agenda. A decision needs to be made about other possibilities for a <br />landfill other than site 17. The default of not making a decision is to build a transfer station. A Materials <br />Recovery Facility (MRF) is a possibility and the LOG plans to meet with other jurisdictions to ascertain their <br />interest. <br />John Link said that they have not made a recommendation for or against community benefits. They <br />have provided factual information in the agenda packet including information on groundwater impacts from the <br />landfill. The analysis seems to indicate that there is not any indications of what is causing water <br />contamination around the landfill . That is not to say that the water does not have some bad qualities. John <br />Link said that since we cannot find a direct lineage between these bad qualities and the landfill, we could not <br />fund these benefits from the LOG funding which means that the local jurisdictions would need to fund these <br />benefits. Several options for funding these benefits are listed in the agenda abstract. John Link feels the <br />other jurisdictions need to provide feedback on their assessment of the situation. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Ron Holway said that problems with iron and <br />the bitter taste of water is commonplace across the County. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Paul Thames said that the OWASA fees <br />would be based on acreage -- from $2300 to $2500 per acre. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about using LOG funds to prevent landfill contamination in areas that <br />are at risk. Geoffrey Gledhill feels there must be some factual basis for connecting the well problems with the <br />landfill. The County could provide a water system as a water project which does not need to have any