Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, Randy Brantley's advocacy efforts led to legislation which <br />now strengthens the licensing requirements for adult care homes <br />throughout the state of North Carolina. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS, acknowledges RANDY BRANTLEY for his commitment to others and many <br />years of volunteer service dedicated to helping the residents of Orange County. This the 16th day <br />of December 1997. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Orange County Work First Program <br />The Board heard a report on the Orange County Work First plan. This plan will be available for <br />public comment until the middle of January. On January 20, Social Services Director Marti Pryor Cook will <br />present the final plan which will meet the eight statewide goals for Work First. She gave a brief overview of <br />what is included in the plan. <br />C. Wildlife habitat protection <br />The Board heard a report from Planner Don Belk on techniques to protect wildlife habitat. <br />d. Creation of on-site waterlwastewater treatment failure classification/terminology policy <br />The Board considered a proposal for a process to categorize public health concerns resulting <br />from the failure of existing on-site water and wastewater treatment systems. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames explained this change in definition and policy in the way we look at <br />the finding of fact for each situation. <br />The Board agreed to forward to the Board of Health the suggestion that the term, definition, etc. <br />related to the "adverse public health condition" be incorporated into local health regulation and policy and <br />receive their feedback on this suggestion. They also agreed to forward to the Water and Sewer boundary <br />Task Force the suggestion that the term, definition, etc., related to the "adverse public health condition" be <br />incorporated into its recommendations as to water and sewer extension and receive their feedback on this <br />suggestion. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that the staff bring back a report on item five which would outline the <br />discrepancies within County Zoning Ordinance and policies for a Board decision on how those discrepancies <br />are to be eliminated. <br />EXTENSION OF MEETING UNTIL 11:00 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to extend <br />the meeting until 11:00 to address items 10-e, 11 and 13. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Teen Court report <br />The Board heard a report on the N.C. Teen Court Program and considered the feasibility of <br />establishing such a program in Orange County. Management Analyst Sharron Siler made this report. <br />Sharron Siler suggested that the County Commissioners appoint an advisory board on January 20 <br />which will develop a funding plan. <br />Donnie Phillips, Probation Supervisor, said that time is of the essence and asked that the County <br />Commissioners go ahead and appoint a committee now. The committee would include the Sheriff or <br />designee, Carl Fox and/or other designees from his office, former Judge Stanley Peele, Commissioner <br />Crowther, members of County staff and others. He will ask the school superintendents to also participate. <br />There was a consensus of the Board to authorize Commissioner Crowther, John Link, Sharron <br />Siler and Donnie Phillips to meet with Judge Butner to develop this program and move forward. <br />11. APPOINTMENTS