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This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />C. OWASA Easement for water and sewer lines at Southern Human Services Center <br />This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />d. Home Program - acquisitions <br />This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. <br />e. Property tax refunds <br />The County Commissioners approved requests for tax refund as listed below in accordance <br />with N.C. General Statutes 105-381 and the Refund Resolution as approved by the Board on September 16, <br />1997: <br />Name Account Nbr. Amount Refunded <br />Dana Commercial Credit 81097 $ 12.24 <br />Parker, Catherine Settlemyre EA3030 8.78 <br />American Honda Finance Corp. E1929 363.88 <br />Woolever, Miriam Virginia E15213 80.08 <br />V T Inc. as Tstee World Omnilt E37324 15.90 <br />Centura Bank D371 133.60 <br />Spivey, January Kyle E44156 75.45 <br />Spivey, January Kyle E14331 170.49 <br />Wachovia Auto Leasing Co. of NC E22126 33.30 <br />NationsBanc Dealer Leasing Inc. D79872 423.24 <br />Carter, William David D94365 66.14 <br />Carter, William David D105042 229.38 <br />Bondurant, Stuart Osborne E38655 99.53 <br />Gecal E10726 281.46 <br />Landis, Todd Michael D106190 260.24 <br />Ehrhardt, Richard Alfred D47986 87.06 <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />b. Hillsborough Sewer Easement Request <br />The Board considered a request from the Town of Hillsborough for a sewer easement so they <br />could replace their pump station in the Fairview community. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames made reference to a map and described the property and its <br />location. He said that the property is landlocked and probably has no significant value. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to (a) <br />convey the easement to Hillsborough; b) authorize the Chair, the County Manager and the County Attorney to <br />determine the value of the easement - if any, devise modifications (consistent with the intent of the easement <br />agreement) to the agreement as required to secure accord among the parties to the easement agreement, <br />and negotiate a settlement - if necessary - with Hillsborough; and c) authorize the Chair to approve the <br />settlement - if any - and to sign and execute the agreement. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. OWASA Easement for water and sewer lines at Southern Human Services Center <br />The Board considered granting a sewer easement to OWASA for sewer lines at the Southern <br />Human Services Center. This will not cause any impacts on any of the building sites. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve <br />granting the thirty foot easements for water and sewer lines to OWASA pursuant to the recorded plat and <br />contingent upon Attorney review of the easement documents; and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the <br />Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS