Orange County NC Website
Original (1993) z 2004 and Onward <br />Human Relations Commission (HRC) <br />"The role of the Human Relations Commission includes: <br />studying and making recommendations concerning problems in <br />the field of human relationships; anticipating and discovering <br />practices and customs most likely to create animosity and <br />unrest and to seek solutions to problems as they arise; making <br />recommendations designed to promote goodwill and harmony <br />among racial, ethnic, religious and other groups in the County; <br />monitoring complaints involving discrimination; addressing <br />and attempting to remedy the violence, tensions, polarization, <br />and other harm created through the practices of discrimination, <br />bias, hatred, and civil inequality; and promoting harmonious <br />relations within the County through hearings and due process <br />of law." <br />The Commission continues its role making recommendations <br />concerning problems in the field of human relationships; <br />anticipating and discovering practices and customs most likely <br />to create animosity and unrest and to seek solutions to problems <br />as they arise; making recommendations designed to promote <br />goodwill and harmony among racial, ethnic, religious and other <br />groups in the County; monitoring complaints involving <br />discrimination; addressing and attempting to remedy the <br />violence, tensions, polarization, and other harm created through <br />the practices of discrimination, bias, hatred, and civil inequality; <br />and promoting harmonious relations within the County through <br />hearings and due process of law. <br />With staff assistance, the HRC provides a pulse on the <br />current atmosphere of the community with regards to human <br />rights. The Commission also serves as a leadership training <br />ground for resident members who come to them with little or no <br />advocacy experience and networking and partnering with <br />related groups <br />Examples of Commission activities include; <br />1) Human Relations Month <br />2) Pauli Murray Awards <br />3) One Book One Community Project <br />4) Social Justice Watch Program <br />Staff seeks to keep the BOCC liaison to the Commission <br />informed of current issues as they relate to the Commission <br />z Excerpted from "Civil Rights Ordinance -Administrative Options For Staffing and Structure" <br />4 <br />