Orange County NC Website
Today the Department continues to investigate fair housing and public accommodations cases; has increased <br />outreach to immigrant communities; has increased educational efforts in the community with regards to equal <br />opportunity; has increased efforts to reduce racial; ethnic and gender tension in the community; has increased efforts to <br />partner with community based agencies who work to further the Department's mission; has increased efforts to assist <br />other Orange County Departments with civil rights related issues such as Title VIl access issues and provides staff <br />support and consultation to the two Commissions. <br />The Department's shift in focus is consistent with the desire to prevent discrimination through increased <br />education and outreach rather than focus on reacting to discrimination through enforcement. The chart that follows is <br />an overview of the Department's duties when it was first created in comparison to the current and proposed duties of <br />the Department. <br />~ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act requires that individuals with Limited English Proficiency be provided with meaningful access to <br />government services. <br />3 <br />