Orange County NC Website
Attachment 4 <br />as <br />LEP Coordinator Responsible for leading and coordinating County-wide efforts to <br />eliminate or reduce to the maximum extent possible limited English <br />proficiency as a barrier to accessing or using Orange County <br />government services. Assesses the needs in collaboration with <br />operating departments and develops plans and programs; identifies <br />resources to address needs. Serves as central staff resource to engage <br />and support County efforts to assist and support community members <br />for whom language can be a barrier to accessing services, benefits, and <br />understanding and exercising their rights in relation to government <br />sponsored programs and opportunities. <br />Knowledge required: Knowledge of Title VI, knowledge of limited <br />English speaking communities, knowledge of special issues related to <br />limited English proficient communities, ability to conduct research and <br />leverage organizational and community resources, ability to build <br />relationships and sustain relationships with immigrant communities, <br />ability to analyze programs and make recommendations for <br />improvement. Grant writing ability preferred. Knowledge and <br />understanding of statutory construction and interpretation preferred. <br />Community Relations Will be responsible for developing conflict/dispute resolution <br />Specialist (currently procedures for civil rights related crisis', responsible for coordinating <br />Civil Rights Specialist) with the Director appropriate community conflict resolutions for civil <br />rights related crisis', developing relationships with underserved <br />populations, identifying communities that need assistance in the field <br />of civil and human rights, providing education to the community on a <br />myriad of civil rights related issues, responding to community <br />inquiries into civil rights related issues, planning, developing and <br />implementing outreach and education strategies, providing information <br />and referral to underserved communities on issues of civil and human <br />rights, serving as the primary program staff for the Human Relations <br />Commission. <br />Knowledge required: Knowledge and understanding of civil and <br />human rights issues, knowledge of dispute resolution methods and <br />techniques, knowledge of ability to conduct trainings and facilitate <br />meetings, knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order, ability to conduct <br />research and analyze information, ability to write grant proposals, <br />ability to skill in written and oral communication. <br />