Orange County NC Website
'Original (1993) z 2004 and Onward <br />Training <br />"Staff would work together on providing educational programs <br />and technical assistance on issues involving civil rights, equal <br />opportunities, or human relations. This would include <br />providing information and interpretations of the various civil <br />rights laws, and workshops and seminars for employers, <br />employees and realtors." <br />Examples of training for community groups are shown below; <br />The Department of Human Rights will provide training on <br />various anti-discrimination laws in order to educate its residents <br />about their rights and to enable residents of Orange County to <br />better understand their rights. <br />1) Fair Housing Training <br />2) Anti-discrimination Law Training (examples include) <br />Age Discrimination in Employment Act <br />Americans with Disabilities Discrimination <br />3) Fair Employment Training <br />4) Other Trainings designed to educate residents about <br />stereotyping, racism, sexism etc. <br />Key Change: <br />The Department has increased community based training. hi <br />the past, the Department conducted Fair Housing Training <br />approximately once a quarter. The Department offered no fair <br />employment trainings and limited trainings on other issues at <br />the initiative of individual staff members. <br />Today the Department incorporates community based training <br />as a part of a comprehensive training agenda that includes many <br />different civil and human rights topics. Trainings are scheduled <br />to regularly occur approximately four times a month and then <br />additionally upon request. <br />._.- <br />W <br />10 <br />