Orange County NC Website
W <br />Note: Please understand that the determination of the limits of the right -of -way is <br />not an easy process. NCDOT does not even have complete records on this <br />matter. Land Records does not show maintenance right -of -ways and often shows <br />property lines to the center of the street. Sometimes, the maintenance right -of -way <br />limits are ditch -to- ditch. Sometimes, the proper future cross - section of the entire <br />right -of -way has been dedicated which may push the right -of -way to 50 feet from <br />the centerline of the road. Road right -of -way varies greatly and investigation of a <br />specific section may bear different results from adjacent- properties. <br />Note: For the benefit of candidates- and their campaign staff, the right -of -way will <br />be interpreted to be from the ditch line on one side of the road to the ditch line on <br />the opposite side of the road. In cases where the ditch line is not visible, the right - <br />of -way shall be interpreted to be a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of pavement <br />on one side of the road to 10 feet from the edge of pavement on the opposite side <br />of the road. Signs in violation of this section will be removed by the Planning <br />Department upon recognition and the candidate(s) or organization will receive a <br />one -time notification within three days of the initial sign removal. <br />7. Political signs of any size will not be permitted on residentially zoned property <br />within the sight visibility triangle (9.2 a). <br />Note: For the benefit of candidates and their campaign staff, the sight visibility <br />triangle shall be located a minimum of thirty -five (35) feet from the intersection of <br />the pavement of two or more roads measured parallel to the road surface. This <br />requirement promotes better traffic safety along intersecting roads and driveways. <br />8. There is presently no 'prior -to- election' time period upon which signs may be <br />placed pursuant to our zoning ordinance. <br />Note: However, since a Zoning Compliance Permit for Political Signs should be <br />reasonably issued to someone that has formally filed for candidacy, then the time <br />period will run concurrent with the filing deadline so there is equity in campaigning. <br />The Supervisor of Elections will elaborate on the filing deadlines and make <br />available information to the Planning Department and candidates. <br />9. All conforming political signs must be removed within seven days or conclusion of <br />the campaign (9.12 g). <br />Note: In some cases, elections may include additional campaigns and another <br />Zoning Compliance Permit for Political Signs must be applied for. <br />10. No sign shall use words such as "stop ", "caution" (9.2 b) <br />Note: This alleviates the potential of traffic sign confusion. <br />11. a. Signs not in compliance within the defined right -of -way will be immediately <br />removed and stored at the Planning Department, 306 -F Revere Road. Retrieval of <br />signs can be accomplished by coming to the department during normal working <br />hours. Signs will be disposed of 7 days after the election. <br />Note: These signs are considered safety hazards. <br />b. Signs not in compliance in areas outside of the right -of -way are removed in <br />accordance with Article 23 enforcement. The notification process and enforcement <br />