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rate decrease is to impose a large premium increase on any employee enrolled in dependent <br />coverage through CIGNA. For example, the table below shows what the old and new employee <br />costs for dependent coverage would be if the County continued to offer CIGNA. <br />Monthly Amount Paid By the Employee <br />Coverage Type Old New <br />Employee/Child(ren) $143.14 $407.45 <br />Employee/Spouse $171.70 $459.98 <br />Employee/Family $301.72 $704.71 <br />At the same time, the CIGNA benefits are comparable or in some cases slightly less than the <br />benefits offered by the Blue Cross Blue Care Plan and the provider network is largely the same. <br />Given these factors and the rate increase, it is anticipated that those employees with dependent <br />coverage will leave CIGNA to join one of the Blue Cross Plans. Of the 129 employees enrolled <br />in CIGNA, about 77 have dependent coverage. <br />The remaining 52 employees participating in CIGNA are enrolled in employee only coverage. <br />Assuming the County continued its policy of paying the full cost of employee only coverage, this <br />would require that the County pay a monthly cost of $478.44 for CIGNA as compared to the <br />monthly cost of $390.40 for the Blue Options Plan or $347.99 for the Blue Care Plan. <br />Sole Provider Coverage through the NCACC Health Insurance Trust <br />As in past years, staff requested that the NCACC Health Insurance Trust provide a quote for <br />sole provider coverage; that is, if the County discontinued the CIGNA plan and offered only the <br />two Blue Cross plans. The Trust advises that this would be an additional 1.5 percent rate <br />reduction or a cost savings for the County of about $74,000 in fiscal year 2004-05. <br />County Contribution for Employee Health Insurance <br />The County's contribution for employee health insurance has been: <br />^ The full cost for individual employee coverage and <br />^ 52 percent of the cost of dependent coverage based on the Blue Cross Blue Care Plan rate. <br />The County then has applied the dollar amount of the dependent contribution calculated <br />based on the Blue Cross Blue Care rate to the Blue Cross Blue Options and CIGNA plans. <br />The County had increased the subsidy from 40 percent to 52 percent with the January 1, <br />2003 renewal to offset the impact on employees of the 25 percent health insurance cost <br />increase in 2003. The 52 percent subsidy was maintained during the 2004 plan year. <br />The Attachment 1 draft monthly health insurance plan rates are based on renewal of the current <br />plans with the continuation of the current 52 percent dependent subsidy, based on the Blue <br />Cross Blue Care Plan. Continuation of the subsidy at this level maintains a key "family friendly" <br />policy offered by the County. This is a family friendly policy in that it makes health insurance <br />coverage for dependents, whether spouse, domestic partner, children, or the entire family more <br />affordable, and thus, accessible. It particularly benefits lower salaried employees for whom <br />dependent health insurance coverage is a significant cost. <br />