Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2004-05 Budget Amendment
<br />The 2004-05 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows:
<br /> #3 Receipt of contribution
<br /> #1 Receipt of funds by
<br />#2 Receipt of donations from the North Carolina tt4 Receipt of ABC Board #5 Receipt of ban
<br />
<br />Budget As Amended the Department on Aging
<br />from the Friends of the Arts Council to cover half funds totaling $22,555 for proceeds for the financing
<br />Budget As Amended
<br /> Original Budget
<br />Through BOA #1 for an Elder Mistreatment
<br />Library to cover 5090 the presenters fee fora the purchase of a vehicle of two recycling trucks in
<br />Through BOA #2
<br /> Prevention Education
<br />match for consultant fees one-day workshop on and radio for the Sherifrs the Solid Waste
<br /> project Studio Tourism for visual Department Enterprise Fund
<br /> arts
<br />General Fund
<br />Revenue
<br />Property Taxes S 90,354,242 S 90,354,242 ; - S - S - S - S - E 90,354,242
<br />Sales Taxes S 20,065,845 S 20,065,845 S - S - S - S - S - S 20,065,845
<br />License and Permits S 231,500 S 231,500 S - S S S - S S 231,500
<br />Intergovernmental S 12,807,150 S 12,817,604 S 1,305 S - S 750 S 22,555 S - S 12,842,214
<br />Charges for Service S 8,244,106 E 8,244,106 S - E - S - S - S - S 8,244,106
<br />Investment Earn ngs ,000 0, 00
<br />Miscellaneous S 467,941 S 467,941 S 2,000 S 469,941
<br />Transfers from Other Funds S 2,063,533 S 2,063,533 S 2,063,533
<br />Fund Balance S 1,714,451 S 1,714,451 S 1,714,451
<br />Total General Fund Revenues S 136,408,768 S 136,419,222 S 1,305 S 2,000 ; 750 S 22,555 S - S 136,445,832
<br />$ 136,419,222 $ 136,445,832
<br />Expenditures
<br />Governing 8 Management S 6,390,887 S 6,390,887 S - S - S - S - S - S 6,390,887
<br />General Services S 12,160,905 S 12,170,234 S - S - S - S - S - S 12,170,234
<br />Community & Environment S 3,370,176 S 3,370,176 ; - S - S - S - S - S 3,370,176
<br />Human Services S 30,833,873 ; 30,834,998 S 1,305 ; - S - S - S - S 30,836,303
<br />Public Safety S 13,580,670 ; 13,580,670 S - S - S - S 22,555 S - S 13,603,225
<br />Culture & Recreation S 2,863,554 S 2,863,554 S - S 2,000 S 750 $ - S - S 2,866,304
<br />Education S 63,571,108 5 63,571,108 S 63,571,108
<br />Transfers Out S 3,637,595 S 3,637,595 S 3,637,595
<br />
<br />ToW/General Fund Appropriation S 136,408,768 S 136,419,222 S 1,305 S 2,000 S 750 S 22,555 S - $ 136,445,832
<br />S S S S S S S S
<br />Solid Waste/Landfill Fund
<br />Gnv
<br />Sales 8 Fees $ 6,426,572 S 6,428,572 S 6,426,572
<br />Intergovernmental ; 240,000 S 240,000 S 240,000
<br />Miscellaneous S 1,000 S 1,000 287,178 S 288,178
<br />Licenses 8 Permits ; 93,875 S 93,875 E 93,875
<br />Interest on Investments S 40,000 S 40,000 E 40,000
<br />Appropriated Fund Balance S 1,210,505 S 1,268,452 S 1,268,452
<br />ota o 1 as an r
<br />Operations Fund Revenue
<br />j 8,011,952
<br />E 8,069,899
<br />S -
<br />S -
<br />S
<br />S -
<br />S 287,178
<br />S 8,357,077
<br />Expenditures
<br />Solid Waste/Landfill Operations S 8,011,952 S 8,069,899 287,178 S 8,357,077
<br />Fire District Funds
<br />d
<br />Property Tax ; 2,223,288 S 2,223.288 S 2,223,266
<br />Intergovernmental S - S - $ -
<br />Investment Earnings 5 5,819 S 5.819 S 5,819
<br />Appropriated Fund Balance S 26,675 5 26,675 S 26,675
<br />Total Fire Districts Fund Revenue S 2,255,782 S 2,255,782 S S - S - S - S - S 2,255,782
<br />