Orange County NC Website
1.3 <br />Amendment Summary Sheet <br />Proposed amendment to the 2001 Development and Joint Use Agreement Between the <br />parties of Orange County, the Town of Carrboro and the Chapel Hill Carrboro Board of <br />Education. <br />Smith Middle School Soccer Field <br />This is a proposed amendment to the Development and Joint use Agreement between the Town <br />of Carrboro, the County of Orange and the Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School Board of Education <br />for the joint use and maintenance of the Smith Middle School Soccer Fields, this proposal <br />specifically affecting the management of Fields 3a and 3b. <br />Page 6 <br />Section 4. Utilities. Maintenance and Upkeep <br />Subsection (a) <br />Second sentence: <br />Language revision adopted by Orange County BOCC and Carrboro BOA on 6/2/04 and 6/15/04 <br />respectively: <br />The following sentence was deleted: <br />The party or parties installing lights at the Field(s) shall be responsible for the maintenance and <br />upkeep of the light system. <br />This paragraph was added: <br />The Town of Carrboro shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the light system <br />for Field 3B. The Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School Board shall be responsible for the <br />maintenance and upkeep of the light system for Field 3A. Costs associated with extraordinary <br />maintenance and repair of the lighting system servicing Fields 3A and 3B, including labor, <br />supplies and materials, shall be divided equally among the three parties. Electric service for each <br />field will be metered separately. It will be the responsibility of the Board of Education to pay for <br />service to Field 3a and the responsibility of the Town of Carrboro to pay for service to Field 3b. <br />This additional language change is requested by the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools: <br />Delete the (following) last sentence of the same paragraph: <br />" The Board of Education may use the light system, provided that the Board of Education <br />shall document its time of usage and, if the Board of Education uses the light system for <br />more than (10) hours per year, the Board of Education shall contribute toward the annual <br />maintenance and repair costs in proportion to its use of the lights. 11 <br />