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There was further discussion about specific roads. Slade McCalip stated that this plan was not <br />intended to direct traffic but rather to indicate how roads are actually being used. <br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out that if the system called for certain roads to be upgraded then that <br />would encourage traffic. She mentioned that if the assumption was that Old Lystra, 15-501 and Smith Level <br />are all at least collectors, then in order to get around laterally you would have to classify Damascus Church <br />Road . She requested that additional consideration be given to Damascus Church Road and Old Greensboro <br />out to White Cross. <br />Commissioner Carey asked whose responsibility it would be to maintain the inventory schedule and <br />how often it would be updated. <br />Slade McCalip indicated that this document will be used for future planning and will be used in <br />conjunction with projected traffic patterns to determine if additional lanes, by-passes or buses are needed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Slade McCalip for the work that he is doing. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS <br />None. <br />QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS <br />Mark O'Neal, President of the Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce, indicated that the Chamber has a <br />concern about the Northside Drive Loop. One of their objectives is to be more active with regard to planning <br />issues. He mentioned that the Loop in the year 2020 has a projected traffic count of 1200. With the exception <br />of the proposed Northside Drive, the plan matches the reality of Hillsborough's growing transportation needs. <br />Ordinarily, the Chamber would support plans for a by-pass to manage traffic through and around <br />Hillsborough. However, what is really needed is a northlsouth corridor to 1-85 on the eastern side of <br />Hillsborough. It is premature to design and plan a by-pass without identifying the connection to 1-85 as a part <br />of that process. The location of the 1-85 North/South connector could greatly impact the location of Northside <br />Drive. Therefore, he asked that Northside Drive be removed from Orange County's functional road <br />classification plan until the NorthlSouth connector to the east can be identified. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked where the Western Bypass ends. <br />Mr. O'Neal stated that they were trying to create a truck corridor on the west side of Hillsborough. <br />That connector would go all the way to Hwy. 57. He also felt that the rural character of St. Mary's Road <br />needed to be protected. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to refer this item to <br />the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than <br />January 20, 1998. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />F. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners will be held Monday, December 1, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. in the Old Courthouse, <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />William L. Crowther, Chair <br />Kathy Baker, Deputy Clerk <br />