Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 02/16/11 <br />Date Revised: 02/24/11 <br />BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br />Individuals with a * b their name are the lead facilitators for the rou of individuals res onsible for an item <br />Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br />Date Date Responsible <br />2/15/11 Review request for a County policy/program that requires 6/30/2011 Chair/Vice To be reviewed and feedback/ <br /> family violence prevention training for all Orange County Chair/Manager recommendation provided to full <br /> employees and provide feedback/recommendation to full Board <br /> Board <br />2/15/11 Review request for County participation in a community- 6/30/2011 Chair/Vice To be reviewed and feedback/ <br /> wide task force on the provision of services related to family Chair/Manager recommendation provided to full <br /> violence and provide feedback/recommendation to full Board <br /> Board <br />2/15/11 Confer with Commissioner Jacobs on minor technical 3/3/2011 David Stancil Actions to finalize approved <br /> corrections for Lands Legacy Action Plan, circulate those Rich Shaw Plan to occur <br /> corrections to full Board, and incorporate as agreed upon <br /> into a roved Plan <br />2/15/11 Incorporate the written responses to Commissioner 3/3/2011 Donna Baker DONE <br /> Cordon's questions into the public record for the School <br /> Capital Projects Budget Ordinance Amendments <br />2/15/11 In conjunction with moving forward on other efforts as part 4/19/2011 Steve Averett Volunteer fire departments to be <br /> of the Addressing Ordinance project, make contact/work contacted/encouraged to <br /> with the volunteer fire departments to enlist their support/be involved in the <br /> su ort/hel /etc. ro'ect <br />2/15/11 Move forward with provide the Board with information 3/15/2011 Frank Clifton, To be provided <br /> regarding consideration and scheduling of 1/4 cent sales tax Clarence Grier, <br /> referendum & Michael <br /> Talbert <br />i~ <br />.~"' <br />U <br />-~' <br />