Orange County NC Website
15 <br />Recommendations for 2011: <br />1. Hold a public Aging 2011 Legislative Forum to present advocacy issues and any <br />recommended legislative priorities for submission to the Board of County Commissioners and <br />other aging advocacy groups. <br />6. Focus: Planning and Administration <br />Goal I: Planning/Administration -Enhance the planning, administration, coordination <br />and funding of a response system to the changing needs of Orange County's older <br />persons. <br />Objective I-1: Planning/Coordination -Improve the County's planning and <br />coordination efforts for the growing aging population. <br />Lead Organization(s): Orange County Department on Aging with the Advisory Board on <br />Aging and the Triangle United Way with the O. C. Manager's Office. <br />Accomplishments: 2010: <br />1. Explored potential for Department on Aging and Dept of Social Services to collaborate on <br />assessment, prioritization, and allocation of funds for the most efficient, effective, and equitable <br />utilization of county resources among the most needy residents. <br />Recommendation for 2011: <br />1. Implement coordinated DoA/DSS funding of two Aging Transitions social work positions to <br />maximize access to available services and resources for older adults. <br />Objective I-2: Administration- Improve the service delivery of the Department <br />on Aging's services as well as other county departments and other non-profit <br />agencies that serve older persons. <br />Lead Orpanization(s1: Orange County Department on Aging and the Orange County <br />Advisory Board on Aging with the County Manager's Office. <br />Accomplishments: 2010: <br />1. Co-sponsored and hosted the bi-monthly Chapel Hill And Durham Eldercare Resource <br />group for exchange of information and ideas among aging services professionals. <br />Recommendation for 2011: <br />1. Continue planning and coordination efforts with various groups. <br />Objective I-3: Funding- Increase appropriate public and private funding for aging <br />services that are affected by a growing older population. <br />Lead Organization(s): Orange County Department on Aging and the Orange County <br />12 <br />