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11 <br />Health Dept. and UNC Wellness Center <br />Accomplishment: 2010: <br />1. Implemented "Telehealth" for the Central Orange Senior Center clients, a free user-friendly <br />computer-monitoring system for selected health care indicators. Participating clients will be <br />screened for risk factors of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The screening includes <br />answering health questions and obtaining blood pressure, pulse, and weight. Clients are <br />assigned a secure passcode in the system. The Carol Woods' Community Connections Project <br />made the Telehealth monitor possible. This project is funded by the Duke Endowment. <br />2. Interpreted the Preventive Home Visits Pilot Program research analysis done by UNC <br />Department of Occupational Sciences and incorporate lessons learned into Aging Transitions <br />procedures as appropriate. <br />3. Offered additional evidence-based Chronic Disease Self-Management courses at the <br />Seymour and Central Orange Senior Centers, utilizing State Health Promotion/Disease <br />Prevention grant funding to offer classes free of charge. <br />4. Initiated evidence-based Matter Of Balance classes led by staff and volunteers trained by <br />Triangle J Area Agency on Aging. <br />5. Provided functional screenings for 300 participants who were enrolling in the Seymour or <br />Sportsplex fitness centers. <br />Recommendations for 2011: <br />1. Provide assistance in development of UNC "Fit Feet" clinics modeled on the successful <br />service implemented at the senior centers by the Dept on Aging Wellness Coordinator <br />2. Utilize findings of the Preventive Home Visit research program in Aging Transition staff's in- <br />home assessments and recommendations <br />3. Further market the Telehealth service to seniors who attend the Central Orange Senior <br />Center. <br />4. Continuing financial support of the Wellness Program Coordinator position ($25,000) by <br />UNC Healthcare. <br />Objective E-2: Improve access to affordable healthcare for all older persons. <br />Lead Organization (sl: Health Department with the Department on Aging's Aging <br />Transitions and Senior Centers' Wellness Program Divisions. <br />Accomplishments: 2010: <br />1. Twenty-five new clients were seen in the 3M (Mood, Memory and Mobility) clinic Jan -June <br />2010. Effective July 1, 2010 the Senior Wellness Clinic ceased to operate due to lack of <br />funding and continued support from UNC Program on Aging. Grants were sought from the <br />Triangle Community Foundation Home Health Agency of Chapel Hill Foundation, but proposal <br />was not funded. Staff continued to seek possible funding sources to reinstate the clinic on a <br />monthly basis. <br />2. Aging Transition staff initiated monthly Medicaid Improvements for Patients and Providers <br />Act (MIPPA) and Low Income Subsidy (LIS) information sessions at local Wal-Mart stores, <br />offering gift card "incentives" to entice seniors to participate. <br />8 <br />