Orange County NC Website
. -OCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION PROCESS 15 <br />Property owner accepts ....................................... <br />invitation from Historic HPC makes initial Property does not appear to <br />Preservation Commission evaluation at next be candidate. <br />(HPC) or submits application meeting. Process ends. <br />(Part 1) to participate in Local <br />Landmark Program (LLP). <br />Property does appear to <br />Property owner completes Part 2 of <br />be candidate. <br />application and works with private <br />consultant or HPC member and staff <br />to complete Survey and Research <br />Report (S/R1, <br />Staff submits S & R to HPC for Staff sends notice via certified mail to applicant <br />next regular meeting. and property owners w /in 500 feet. <br />HPC accepts S /R, and forwards to State I I SHPO submits comments within 30 <br />Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). days of receipt of S /R. <br />HPC considers SHPO comments Staff sends notice via <br />at next regular meeting. certified mail to applicant <br />and property owners Win <br />500 feet. <br />HPC recommends property _ Staff prepares <br />for local landmark legal notice: <br />designation & requests that Board of County Commissioners public advertisement <br />proposal be sent to public p. (BOCC) & HPC hold Joint Public. and mailed notice to <br />hearing. Hearing. applicant & property <br />owners within 500 feet. <br />BOCC considers designation .......................... <br />HPC submits recommendation to BOCC & enactment a designation BOCC denies <br />within 60 days. ordinance. designation. <br />Process ends, half <br />of application fee is <br />[BOCC ad opts designation refunded. <br />ordinance. :.........................: <br />Staff notifies owner & occupant. I Staff files designation ordinance. I Staff notifies Land Records. <br />IStaff contacts owner regarding I <br />recognition plaque or sign. <br />